Pearl Jam
Pearl Jam - Garden Pearl Jam - Garden | | Garden
She don't wander in...don't wander in here, she... – ona se nepotuluje, nepotuluje se tu
She don't wander in here...don't wander in here... – ona nebloudí tady, nebloudí tu
The direction of the eye, so misleading - směr oka, je taky klamný
The defection of the soul, nauseously quick - vada duše, rychlé
I don't question, our existence - nepokládám otázky, naší existenci
I just question, our modern needs – pochybuji o našich moderních potřebách
She don't wander in...don't wander in here, she... – ona nebloudí tady........
She don't wander in here...
I will walk...with my hands bound - já budu kráčet... se mýma rukama tvořícíma hranici
I will walk...with my face blood - já budu kráčet .... s mojí zkrvavenou tváří
I will walk...with my shadow flag - já budu kráčet ... s mým stínej vlajky
Into your garden, garden of stone...yeah... – do tvé zahrady, zahrady kamení
After all is done, and we're still alone - potom je všechno hotové a my jsme pořád sami
I won't be taken, yet I'll go...with my hands bound - Nevezmu ještě, budu kráčet.s mýma rukama tvořícíma hranici
I will walk...with my face blood - já budu kráčet .... s mojí zkrvavenou tváří
I will walk...with my shadow flag - já budu kráčet ... s mým stínem vlajky
Into your garden, garden of stone – do tvé zahrady, zahrady kamení
I don't show...I don't share... - neukážu, nesdílím
I don't need, yeah...What you have to give... – nepotřebuji, to co ty máš dávát
Oooh, I will walk...with my hands bound
I will walk...with my face blood
I will walk...with my shadow flag
Into your garden, garden...oh...
I will walk with my hands bound
I will walk into your garden, garden of stone...
I don't know...I don't care... – nevím, nestarám se
I don't need you for me to live...yeah, yeah, yeah, oh... – nepotřebuji tě k mému životu.
Uh huh huh... (8x)
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