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Kanye West: Kanye West plánuje spustiť vlastnú kryptomenu „Swasticoin“. Oznámil to na sieti X - Raper naznačuje vstup do kryptosveta.... - Refresher.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film o módě - Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film. Zprávu přinesl New York Post, který zárov... - evropa2.cz | 

Bianca: TOPKY tohto týždÅa: Slávna kráska pohorÅ¡ila fanúšikov, rozvod Kanyeho Westa a zásnuby hviezdnej speváÄky! - LOS ANGELES â PoÄas tohto týždÅa sa opäť vo veľkom hovorilo o d... - bleskovky.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye a Bianca čelia špekuláciám o rozvode. Pár sa má pritom pripravovať na Valentína - Kanye West a Bianca Censori si v poslednom období získali veľkú pozornosť po ich vys... - Refresher.sk | 

Grammy: Po nahotě na Grammy přišla šokující zpráva: Kanye West a Bianca Censori se rozešli - Jen krátce poté, co jejich výstup na udílení cen Grammy řešil téměř celý svět... - super.cz | 

Kanye West: Kanye West utnul všechny spekulace: Pravda o nahé Biance! - Od popr... - blesk.cz | 

Kanye West: Šílenství Kanyeho Westa: Nejdřív vyznal obdiv Hitlerovi, pak se prohlásil za Boha - Kanye West opět šokuje svět svými bizarními výlevy. Po sérii antisemitských a ras... - extra.cz | 

Kanye West: Raper West zmizel ze sítě X. Sdílení pornografie byla poslední kapka - Účet rapera Kanye Westa (47) na síti X, původně známé jako Twitter, platforma deak... - idnes.cz | 

Kanye West: Kanye West znovu šokuje: Antisemitské výlevy, láska k Hitlerovi, podpora Diddyho a kontrola manželky - Fandit Kanyemu Westovi a stále ho hájit je čím dál těžší - a možná už zcela n... - musicserver.cz | 

Adele: Nepříjemnost Biancy po odhalení na Grammy: Chtěla se blýsknout zpěvem na Adele, Kanye ji ignoroval a sledoval mobil - O tom, co předvedli Kanye West a především jeho žena Bianca Censori na Grammy, bylo... - super.cz | 

Kanye West - Bonnie & Clyde Freestyle Kanye West - Bonnie & Clyde Freestyle | | (Ad libs)
Yo Hip-Hop Is niggaz still talkin bout I can't rap Come On Now
Look for me Young K
Took Tupac beat and got paid
My favorite rapper is Makaveli, Nas and Jay-Z
Eminem, Mase, Biggie Smalls and me
Now if you was my girlfriend you don't need no guyfriend
He could get his head bust nigga ain't my friend
Why the hell you lying who the hell you trying
Who the hell you know that threw away his throwbacks
When they suggested they was made by Majestic
My answers cost three-hundred-fifty ya naw mean
Doesn't even have got her number we ain't on the same team
You got the hat the jacket shoelaces to match
I got the gat ratching new cases to catch
I got my business manager erasing my debt
I mean my credit was so pathetic I couldn't get a debit
I fill out for a car but shit they always debt it
My girl come over try to help me shine
How you gonna help me get a car your credit worser than mine
But everytime I get a check you be first up in line
Told you bout gold-diggin bitch it's worser than lying
You better grow up before I blow up
Have weed rolled up when I show up
Matter fact we broke as fuck
Ain't nothing left to do except get tore up from the floor up
Shit that's how I knew you was my girlfriend
So I promise to never pick up smutts
In my Cadillac pick-up truck
They need to get they sit-ups up
They always be colder than you
A little richer a little thicker a litter older than you
Probably a little smarter so they can drop me some jewels
That I could drop back to you to get your ass back in college
So you can be where they at two years from now
But for now bartender two beers for now
The second one is for my girlfriend
[Jay-Z] All I need in this life of sin is me and my girlfriend me and my girlfriend
[B.K.] Down to ride til the very end is me and my boyfriend me and my boyfriend
I'm talkin bout when we was in Nissan's no Benz or such
We wasn't from Switzerland but we'll still go Dutch
Greater man could prob picture like there go us
No styles just good times like they're so nuts
We always thought if we had dough we could do so much
Like you ain't got to save the roach we can finish the Dutch
Like we ain't have to go coach told you i'll be paid soon
We ain't got to sit in this emergency aisle just to get leg room
We ain't got to go back to my room there's only one bedroom
That I call my lair
We was V.I.P. Very Imaginary Playaz
But you was my girlfriend yea yea yea you was my girlfriend
[Jay-Z] Holla, All I need in this world of sin is me and my girlfriend me and my girlfriend
[B.K.] Down to ride til the very end is me and my boyfriend me and my boyfriend
That's Right (Kanye)
[Jay-Z] All I need in this world of sin is me and my girlfriend me and my girlfriend
Look for me
[B.K.] Down to ride til the very end is me and my boyfriend me and my boyfriend
[Jay-Z] Yep!
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