Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EHell is gone and heavens here
There's G/Enothing left for you to fear
A/EShake your arse come over here, now Escream
EI'm a burning effigy
Of G/Eev'rything I used to be
A/EYou're my rock of empathy, my Edear. So come-on
ELet meG_____ en-ter-tainA_ youE__
Let me_____ en-ter-tain_ you__
ELife's too short for you to die
So G/Egrab yourself an alibi
A/EHeaven knows your mother lied, mon Echer
ESeparate your right from wrongs
G/ECome and sing a different song
The A/Ekettle's on so don't be long, mon Echer. So come-on
ELook me up in the yellow pages
G/EI will be your rock of ages
YourA/Esee through fads and your crazy phases, Eyeah
ELittle Bo Peep has lost his sheep
He G/Epopped a pill and fell asleep
The A/Edew is wet but the grass is sweet, my Edear
EYour mind gets burned with the G/Dhabits you've learned_
But A/C#we're the generation that's Egotta be heard_
You're Etired of your teachers and your G/Dschool's a drag_
You're A/C#not gonna end up like your Emum and dad. So come-on
EHe may be good he may be G/Doutta sight_
But A/C#he can't be here so come aEround tonight_
EHere is the place where the G/Dfeeling grows_
You A/C#gotta get high before you Etaste the lows. So come-on
E, G/E, A/E, E
E, G/E, A/E, E
ELet meG_____ en-ter-tainA_ youE__
Let me_____ en-ter-tain_ you__
Let me_____ en-ter-tain_ you__
Let me_____ en-ter-tain_ you__
ECome-on, come-on, come-on, come-on_
Asus4/DCome-on, come-on, come-on, come-on_
A/C#Come-on, come-on, come-on, come-onE__
Come-on, come-on, come-on, come-on_
Come-on, come-on, come-on, come-on_
Come-on, come-on, come-on, come-on__
ELet me en-ter-tainG_ you
ALet me en-ter-tainE_ you
Let me en-ter-tain_ you
Let me en-ter-tain_ you
Let me en-ter-tain_ you
Let me en-ter-tain_ you
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