The 411
The 411 - On My Knees The 411 - On My Knees | |
I can't fall down on my knees
(I thought you loved me)
And apologise to you
(If you really loved me you would of stayed with me)
(And apologised to me that's all i asked for)
Coz that aint my style
(Well let me hear what you had to say earlier)
Nepadnem na kolená
(myslela som, že ma ľúbiš)
a nebudem sa ti ospravedlňovať
(ak si ma naozaj ľúbil zostal by si so mnou)
(a ospravedlňoval by si sa, to je všetko čo chcem)
lebo to nieje môj štýl
I remember how we met it was on the train
How could i forget you smiled and looked at me
The soft of your lips, they captured me
The whole ride down we kept our eyes on each other
And then we sat, down together
You gave me your number, said give me a call
I thought i wouldn't call at all
Here we are fell in love like hand to glove
Pure bliss from above
Now all we seem to do is fuss and fight
We never seem to get it right
See there's too much fire so much desire
So it took a little time to take me higher
I'm sorry if i hurt you and i went astray
I guess we gotta call it a day
Ha heh
pamätám si ako sme sa stretli, bolo to vo vlaku
Ako by som mohla zabudnúť na tvoj úsmev a pohľad
Tvoje jemné pery, dobývali ma
Ako sme sa navzájom celí obzerali
a potom sme si sadli,dole, spolu
dal si mi číslo, povedal "zavolaj mi"
myslela som si, že to nedokážem
sme tu, zaľúbení, akoby sme nevnímali
ten nevinný raj z nebies
teraz sa zdá, že sa musíme už len trápiť a bojovať
Nikdy to nedáme do poriadku
pozri, je tu príliš veľa ohňa a túžob
chvíľu to vyzeralo, že ma to povznesie
prepáč, ak som ti ublížila a zišla z cesty
myslím, že to môžme volať dňom
Refrén x2
I can't fall down on my knees
(on my knees)
And apologise to you
(to you)
Coz that aint my style
(That aint my style)
nepadnem na kolená
(na kolená)
a nebudem sa ti ospravedľovať
lebo to nieje môj štýl
(nieje to môj štýl)
I remember one night when we were home alone
You were on the sofa i was on the phone
You overheard me call out my best friends name
That's when u went crazy started going insane
Grabbed the phone from my hand
Backed me against the wall
Shouting and asking who was on the call
You wouldn't believe me when i said it's just a friend
That's when all the madness began
You kept yelling wild I fell to the floor
Crying in hysteria cant try w'you no more
I knew you had a temper
I wish i didn't see it
You wanted me to be faithful
I told you i could be it
But that didn't stop you from putting your hands on my face
You simply said you had to put me in my place
At the end of every tunnel there's always a light
And the door.. it sure looks right
pamätám sa na jednu noc, keď sme boli doma samí
bol si na pohovke, ja som telefonovala
započul si meno môjho najlepšieho kamaráta
začal si blázniť a robiť scény
vytrhol si telefón z mojej ruky
hodil si ma o stenu
búchal a pýtal sa, kto to bol
neveril si mi, keď som povedala, že len kamarát
vtedy začalo všetko to zlé
vrieskal si až sa triasla zem
hystericky som plakala, nevedela sa pokúsiť znova
vedela som, že si temperamentný
želala som si to nevidieť
chcel si aby som bola verná
povedala som ti, že sa pokúsim
ale neprestal si ma fackovať
jednoducho si povedal, že ma privedieš na moje miesto
na konci každého tunela je svetlo
a dvere..vyzeralo to tak
That's why-hy-hy-hy-hy
To je dôvod
He's got you begging on your knees
Crying in your sleep
Making you believe him
But you'r stronger
Than you'll ever know girl
You control your own world
No need to take no more [x2]
prinútil ťa modliť sa na kolenách
plakať zo sna
veriť v neho
ale ty si silnejšia
potom niekedy spoznáš dievča
Ty kontroluješ svoj svet
nepotrebuješ druhú šancu
Yo, Heh yo I asked you to calm down
Asked you who was on the phone put the horn down
You had a glass of wine a Versace night gown, a lime green one
That i bought you for your trip from the cruise you won
I don't wanna fool with those male friends
I told you back then when we first got together
I don't trust those men
And you did it again
I lost my temper laid down and wrecked the house boo
That's all i can remember, I'm sorry
Snažil som sa schladiť ťa
pýtal som sa kto ti volal, položil som slúchadlo
mala si pohár vína, Versaceho košieľku, zelenú limetku
ktoré som ti kúpil na tvoj výlet
nechcem skončiť kvôli tým mužským priateľom
hovoril som ti, potom, keď sme sa prvýkrát s nimi stretli
neverím tým mužom
a urobila si to znova
stratil som hlavu a rozbil dom
to je všetko čo si pamätám, prepáč
R x2
I can't fall down on my knees
And apologise to you
Coz that aint my style
nepadnem na kolená
a nebudem sa ti ospravedlňovať
lebo to nieje môj štýl |
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