Maroon 5
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Maroon 5: RECENZE: Hyperkinetická Gwen Stefani a splývající Maroon 5 na Prague Rocks - Druhý letošní velký open air koncert Prague Rocks v pražských Letňanech měl tři... - |
Def Leppard: FOTOGALERIE: Prague Rocks ovládli Maroon 5 a Gwen Stefani - Pražský jednodenní festival Prague Rocks ve středu nabídl své druhé letošní vyd... - |
Maroon 5: NAžIVO: Maroon 5 a spol. museli na Prague Rocks bojovat s deštěm i časem - Když musíte text vykopnout několika slovy k organizaci, není to moc dobré znamení. ... - |
Maroon 5: NAžIVO: Maroon 5 & spol. museli na Prague Rocks bojovat s deštěm i časem - Když musíte text vykopnout několika slovy k organizaci, není to moc dobré znamení. ... - |
James Bay: Maroon 5 hráli maskovaní v metru. Gwen Stefani zaujala Madonnu. Ve středu zahrají na festivalu Prague Rocks - Jednodenní festival Prague Rocks, který se odehraje ve středu 21. června na letišti... - |
Vojtěch Dyk: Blíží se druhý Prague Rocks, doveze Maroon 5 nebo Gwen Stefani - Druhý díl hudebního festivalu Prague Rocks se bude konat 21. června 2023 na pražské... - |
Maroon 5: Prague Rocks se vrací, aby rozproudil vaše léto s Gwen Stefani, Maroon 5 a mnoha dalšími - Festival Prague Rocks, pořádaný společností Live Nation, se letos vrací se slibným... - |
Maroon 5: Kupte si dvě vstupenky za cenu jedné na festivaly Prague Rocks s Mötley Crüe či Maroon 5 - Už jen pár hodin, konkrétně do půlnoci pátku 5. května, máte šanci využít spec... - |
Def Leppard: Prague Rocks nabídne Mötley Crüe, Kabát, Gwen Stefani nebo Vojtu Dyka - Hudební léto odstartuje festival Prague Rocks, který do Prahy přiveze kapely Def Lepp... - |
James Bay: Seznam účinkujících na Prague Rocks II. rozšíří Rag'n'Bone Man a James Bay - Praha - Vedle už dříve oznámené skupiny Maroon 5 a zpěvaček Gwen Stefaniové a... - |
Maroon 5 - The Air That I Breathe Maroon 5 - The Air That I Breathe | | People never change
They seem to stay the same
They wear different clothes
But play the same games
Many different ways
To say the same thing
Searchin for the right words
The ones that would make you stay
Exchanging the way things were
For the way that they should be
And choosing these words
Is saying to her
The things that she never heard
But always deserved
I figured out what it is all about
It's you that I could never live without
Your everything
The air that I breathe
Stupid not to know it all along
And everything I ever did was wrong
Sadly it's too late for sorry
Oh I'm not even really sure
Who made this mess
And who threw what punch
But I could not care less
All I know is that I'm here
And you are not, oh
Once I put this wasted pride aside
Nothing is all I got, oh
Exchanging the way things were
For the way that they should be
And choosing these words
Is saying to her
The things that she never heard
But always deserved
I figured out what it is all about
It's you that I could never live without
Your everything
The air that I breathe
Stupid not to know it all along
And everything I ever did was wrong
Sadly it's too late for sorry
Somebody make it stop
And pick me up,
And just dust me off, oh
The rainy day flood
Will drowned all this love
Trapped at the bottom now
Please dig me up
I figured out what it is all about
It's you that I could never live without
Your everything
The air that I breathe
Stupid not to know it all along
And everything I ever did was wrong
Sadly it's too late for sorry
I figured out what it is all about
It's you that I could never live without
Your everything
The air that I breathe
Stupid not to know it all along
And everything I ever did was wrong
Sadly it's too late for sorry
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