I guess this time you're really Dmleaving
FI hear your suitcase say good-Cbye
and as my broken heart lies Dmbleeding
Fyou say true love is sui-Ccide.
You say you cried a thousand Dmrivers
Fand now you're swimming for the Cshore
Amyou left me drowning in my Dmtears
Fand you won't save me any-Gmore.
nochordsI'm praying to God you'll give me one more chance girl.
CI'll be there for you
Amthese five words I swear to you
when you Dmbreathe I wanna be the air for you
FI'll be Gthere for Cyou.
CI'd live and I'd die for you
AmI'd steal the sun from the sky for you
Dmwords can't say what love can do
FI'll be Gthere for Cyou. guitarthesameasINTRO