Counting Crows - We're Only Love Counting Crows - We're Only Love | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Coversong (Original – Mr. Dog)
DWho built the ball that is this earth?
Gave me Alife and water Gfor my thirst.
DHome for a heart till death from birth
And we're only Alove, at it's Gbest or worst.
DLove calling your HminameA,Hmi
GI will live Don. Calling your HminameA,F#mi,G
Who wrote the pages of our lives?
In black and white, and taught me wrong from right
It's your heart that held you tight
But we're only love. Spin me around and round and round
Love calling your name
I will live on. Calling your name
And the Aworld seems like Gmy enemy
The Awaterfall of Dfrowns
And the Awave of life will Gcapture me
And I'm Ffalling down upon Elove
HmiOoooh, Acome on now Gdarling
I'm Hmifall, fall, fall Adown on Glove
Said, said I'm Hmifalling down, Afalling down on Glove
Said I'm Hmifalling Adown on Glove
Dcalling your HminameA,Hmi
GI will live Don, calling your HminameA,Hmi
GI will live Don, calling your HminameA,Hmi
GI will live Don, calling your Hminame,A,Gyeeeah
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