Nine Inch Nails - Zero-sum Nine Inch Nails - Zero-sum | | They're starting to open up the sky, they're starting to reach down through.
= Začínajú roztvárať oblohu, začínajú sa cez ňu naťahovať dolu.
And it feels like we're living in that split second of a car crash.
= A zdá sa akoby sme žili v tom zlomku sekundy autohavárie
And time is slowing down, and if we only had a little more time
= A čas spomaľuje, keby sme len mali ešte trochu viac času
and this time
= a tento čas
is all there is.
= je jediné čo tu je.
Do you remember the time we...? = Pamätáš si keď sme...?
And all the times we...? = A vždy keď sme...?
And should have...? = A mali sme...?
And were going to...? = A ideme...?
I know. = Ja viem.
And I know you remember, how we could justify it all.
= A viem že si pamätáš ako sme to všetko mohli odôvodniť
And we knew better; in our hearts... we knew better.
= A my sme vedeli najlepšie; v našich srdiach... vedeli sme najlepšie.
And we told ourselves it didn't matter.
= A vraveli sme sami sebe že na tom nezáleží.
And we chose to continue, and none of that matters anymore.
= A vybrali sme si pokračovať, a na ničom z toho už viac nezáleží.
In the hour of our twilight...
= V hodine nášho súmraku...
And soon it will be all said and done, and we will all be back together, as one...
= A čoskoro to všetko bude povedané a urobené, a všetci budeme znova spolu, ako jeden...
If we will continue at all.
= Ak budeme vôbec pokračovať.
Shame on us, doomed from the start
= Hanbime sa, od začiatku odsúdení
May God have mercy on our dirty little hearts
= Nech má boh zmilovanie nad našimi malými hriešnymi srdciami
Shame on us for all we have done
= Hanbime sa za všetko čo sme urobili
And all we ever were. Just zeroes and ones
= A všetko čím sme boli. Len nuly a jednotky.
And you never get away, and you never get to take the easy way,
= A ty sa nikdy nedostaneš preč, a nikdy si nevyberieš jednoduchšiu cestu
And all of this is a consequence, brought on by our own hand
= A toto všetko je následok, ktorý ti priniesla tvoja vlastná ruka
If you believe in that sort of thing.
= Ak takýmto veciam veríš.
And did you ever really find, when you closed your eyes,
= A našiel si naozaj niekedy, keď si zavrel oči
Any place that was still, and at peace?
= Nejaké miesto ktoré bolo tiché a pokojné?
And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade,
= A myslím že som ti len chcel povedať, kým svetlá začínajú hasnúť,
That you are the reason that I am not afraid.
= Že ty si dôvod prečo sa nebojím
And I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall,
= A myslím že som len chcel spomenúť, kým nebesá spadnú,
We will be together soon if we will be anything at all.
= Čoskoro budeme spolu ak vôbec niečo budeme.
Shame on us, doomed from the start
= Hanbime sa, od začiatku odsúdení
May God have mercy on our dirty little hearts
= Nech sa Boh zmiluje nad našimi malými hriešnymi srdciami
Shame on us for all we have done
= Hanbime sa za všetko čo sme urobili
And all we ever were. Just zeroes and ones
= A všetko čím sme boli. Len nuly a jednotky
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