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Kanye West: Kanye West plánuje spustiť vlastnú kryptomenu „Swasticoin“. Oznámil to na sieti X - Raper naznačuje vstup do kryptosveta.... - Refresher.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film o módě - Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film. Zprávu přinesl New York Post, který zárov... - evropa2.cz | 

Bianca: TOPKY tohto týždÅa: Slávna kráska pohorÅ¡ila fanúšikov, rozvod Kanyeho Westa a zásnuby hviezdnej speváÄky! - LOS ANGELES â PoÄas tohto týždÅa sa opäť vo veľkom hovorilo o d... - bleskovky.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye a Bianca čelia špekuláciám o rozvode. Pár sa má pritom pripravovať na Valentína - Kanye West a Bianca Censori si v poslednom období získali veľkú pozornosť po ich vys... - Refresher.sk | 

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Kanye West: Šílenství Kanyeho Westa: Nejdřív vyznal obdiv Hitlerovi, pak se prohlásil za Boha - Kanye West opět šokuje svět svými bizarními výlevy. Po sérii antisemitských a ras... - extra.cz | 

Kanye West: Raper West zmizel ze sítě X. Sdílení pornografie byla poslední kapka - Účet rapera Kanye Westa (47) na síti X, původně známé jako Twitter, platforma deak... - idnes.cz | 

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Adele: Nepříjemnost Biancy po odhalení na Grammy: Chtěla se blýsknout zpěvem na Adele, Kanye ji ignoroval a sledoval mobil - O tom, co předvedli Kanye West a především jeho žena Bianca Censori na Grammy, bylo... - super.cz | 

Kanye West - Blame Game Kanye West - Blame Game | | [John Legend]
Let's play the blame game, I love you, more
Let's play the blame game for sure.
Let's call her names, names, I hate you, more.
Let's call her names, names, for sure.
I'll call you bitch for short as a last resort and my first result.
You call me motherf*cker for long,
At the end of it you know we both were wrong.
But I love to play the blame game, I love you more.
Let's play the blame game for sure.
Let's call out names, names, I hate you, more.
Let's call out names, names, for sure.
[Kanye West]
On a bathroom wall I wrote
"I'd rather argue with you than to be with someone else" (else, else, else)
I took a piss and dismiss it like f*ck it and I went and found somebody else
F*ck arguing or harvesting the feelings, I'd rather be by my f*cking self
Till about 2am and I call back and I hang up and start to blame myself
Somebody help
[Chorus - John Legend]
[Kanye West]
You weren't perfect but you made life worth it
Stick around, real feelings might surface
Been a long time since I spoke to you in a bathroom gripping you up f*ckin and choking you
What the hell was I supposed to do
I know you aint getting this type of dick from that local dude
And if you are I hope you are have a good time
Cause I definitely be having mine
And you aint finna see a mogul get emotional
Every time I hear bout other nigga's stroking you
Might say I hit you
He sitting there consoling you
Runnin my name through the mud
Who's provoking you
You should be grateful a nigga like me ever noticed you
Now you noticeable and cant nobody can control you
1 A.M. and can't nobody get a hold of you
I'm calling your brothers phone like what was I supposed to do
Even though I knew, he never told the truth
He was just gon say whatever you gon told him too
At a certain point I had to stop asking questions
Chuck dirt on eachother like mud wrestlers
I heard he bought some coke with my money
Dat aint right girl
You getting blackmailed for that white girl
You always said Yeezy I ain't you're right girl
Probably find one of them "I like art" type girls
All of the lights, she was caught in the hype girl
And I was satisfied being in love with the lie
And who to blame, you to blame, me to blame
For the pain and it poured every time when it rained
Let's play the blame game...
[John Legend]
Let's play the blame game, I love you, more
Let's play the blame game for sure.
[Kanye West]
Things used to be, now they not
Anything but us is who we are
Disguising ourselves as secret lovers
We've become public enemies
We walk away like strangers in the street
Gone for eternity
We erased one another
So far from where we came
With so much of everything, how do we leave with nothing
Lack of visual empathy equates the meaning of L-O-V-E
Hatred and attitude tear us entirely
Let's play the blame game, I love you, more
Let's play the blame game for sure.
Let's call out names, names, I hate you, more.
Let's call out names, names, for sure.
I can't love you this much
I can't love you this much
I can't love you this much
I can't love you this much
No, I can't love you this much
I can't love you this much
And I know that you are somehwere doing your thing
And when the phone called it just ring and ring
You aint pick up but your phone accidently called me back
And I heard the whole thing.
I heard the whole thing, the whole thing, the whole thing...
[Chris Rock]
Ohh my God..
Baby you done took this shit to another motherf*cking level
Now a neighbourhood nigga like me aint supposed to be gettin no pussy like this
Damn, Damn! Who taught you how to get sexy for a nigga?
(Yeezy taught me)
You never used to talk dirty, but now you got damn disgusting,
My, my God, where'd you learn that?
(Yeezy taught me)
Look at you motherf*cking butt ass naked with these motherf*cking Jimmy Choos off
Who taught you how to put some motherf*cking Jimmy Choos on?
(Yeezy taught me)
Yo you took your game up a whole 'nother level, this is some Cirque 'u Soleil now!
You done went all porno on it, k. And I, and I love it..
And I thank you, I thank you, my dick thanks you!
How did you learn, how.. how did your game come up?
(Yeezy taught me)
I was f*cking parts of your pussy I never f*ck before
I was in there like oo I never been here before. I've never even seen this part of town before.
It's like you got this shit re-upholstered or something. What the f*ck happened?
Who, who the f*ck got your pussy all re-upholstered?
(Yeezy re-upholstered my pussy)
You know what, I got to thank Yeezy.
And when I see that nigga Imma thank him.
Imma buy his album, Imma download that.. Imma shoot a bootlegger!
That's how good I feel about this nigga
Oww, I still can't believe you got me this watch. This motherf*cker is the exact motherf*cker I wanted
Even with the bezel this is the motherf*cker I wanted. I saw this shit, I saw it
Twista had this shit on in The Source. I remember, Twista had this motherf*cker on in The Source
That's right, that's right! Yo yo babe, yo yo this is the best birthday ever!
Where you learn to treat a nigga like this?
(Yeezy taught me)
Yeezy taught you well, Yeezy taught you well. |
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