

Madonna - Easy Ride Madonna - Easy Ride | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
AmiI want the Egood life. But I Amidon't want an easy Eride
GWhat I want is to Fwork for it
GFeel the blood and sweat on my Ffingertips
That's Ewhat I want for Amime
AmiI want to know Eeverything. Maybe Amisomeday I Ewill
GWhat I want is to Ffind my place
GBreathe the air and feel the sun on my Fchildren's face
That's Ewhat I want
I go Amiround and Ground just Amilike a Gcircle
AmiI can Gsee a Fclearer picture
When I Amitouch the Gground I Amicome full Gcircle
AmiTo my Gplace and I am Fhome
I am Amihome
AmiI want to let Ego of all disappAmiointment that's waiting for Eme
GWhat I want is to Flive forever
GNot defined by time and space, it's a Flonely place
That's Ewhat I want
I go round and round just like a circle
I can see a clearer picture
When I touch the ground I come full circle
To my place and I am home
I am home
I go round and round just like a circle
I can see a clearer picture
When I touch the ground I come full circle
To my place and I am home
I am home
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