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Alter Bridge - Zero Alter Bridge - Zero | tlač |
edituj | | Rok vzniku: 2010 Pesničku videlo 1847 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Alter Bridge | Tuning - Drop Db
tabbed by jjhand
This song has great guitar licks mixed in with a good lyrical melody.
The effects used in some parts are also nicely done without being
excessive. Please rate/comment.
Intro Riff - Guitar 1, play 2x
|---4--4-------2-2-----|-------0----(4/7---7)--| <-- () first time only
Guitar 2 - On Repeat of Intro
|--------9b11~~~-----|---------------|------------|-9b11~~~~-----| release
|--------------------|---------------|------------|--------------| bend &
|--------------------|---------------|------------|--------------| fade out
Verse - Only Bass plays (0:18-0:32)
"Now there is a light in the dark some will say
There is a grace up high
There is a beauty that some can behold
Not I, Not I"
Modified Intro (0:32) - Guitar 1 just holds fret on 4th string throughout
1. "There is a power that's felt from the shore"
2. "But all of these things to me are no more"
|---4--4-----4---4-----|-4---4-4----4/7---7-(9)| () - second time only
1. "There is a force that won't break"
2. "I've changed, I've changed"
Guitar 1
Gb2 F2
| Guitar 2, w/ univibe
"What in the hell have you done? Cast aside all that you love"
Gb2 Ab
| Guitar 2, w/ univibe
"The sorrows you'll never outrun"
Chorus 1
"Zero Nothing for you is ever good enough"
"Zero Nothing makes you whole"
Before Verse 2 - Guitar 1 plays Intro, Gutiar 2 plays:
Verse 2 - Guitar 2, played 4x
"How many times have you felt all alone
How many tears have you cried
Called out in vein for a god to behold
Inside, Inside"
(1:43) - Add in modified intro riff on Guitar 1
"How many fires you let die in your heart
How many storm's must you face
Left out to fight for yourself in the cold
No faith, No faith"
Play Prechorus
"So nothing to lean on this time
Nothing is left to decide
All that you've known you'll deny"
Play Chorus again, same Lyrics
Break - 1 Wah Guitar, 1 Guitar w/ Heavy Distortion, played 2x
wah on, bass position wah off
1 "Burnt out Surrender you can't take no more"
2 "And just cry out Surrender your faith is no more"
| Rhythm
| Rhythm
| Rhythm
| Rhythm
"What in the hell have you done
cast aside all that you loved"
| Rhythm
"The sorrows you never outrun, just look at what you have become"
Play Modified Intro
Play Chorus Again 2x, except for ending change
Final Chorus Ending
Squealing Guitar Ending - (Rhythm guitar plays Intro)
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| NH natural harmonic
| PM palm mute
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| pb Pre-bend
| r Bend release
| TP tremelo pick (keep picking same note)
| |