Iggy Pop


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Iggy Pop - Nazi Girlfriend Iggy Pop - Nazi Girlfriend | Autor hudby: Iggy Pop 1979 | Variation One of Nazi Girlfriend, tuning: A G D G Bb/A# D
Now then, I suppose we should get on with it. I'll start with the chords, which are as follows:
D |-0----0----0----0----0----0--0--0-|
G |-0----0----0----0----0----0--0--0-|
D |-5----4----3----2----0----2--4--5-|
G |-7----5----5----3----0----3--2--0-|
D |-0----0----0----0----0----0--0--0-|
And now for the picking:
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
G |-0-----------0-----------|-0-----------0-----------|
D |----5-----5-----5-----5--|----4-----4-----4-----4--|
G |-------7-----------7-----|-------5-----------5-----|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
G |-0-----------0-----------|-0-----------0-----------|
D |----3-----3-----3-----3--|----2-----2-----2-----2--|
G |-------5-----------5-----|-------3-----------3-----|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
And here's where the picking pattern suddenly changes. Also, at the end, the finger on
D string is no longer in a higher fret than the finger on the G string; in fact, they
D |-------------------------|-------------------------------|
G |-0-----------0-----------|-0--------0--------0-----------|
D |----0-----0-----0-----0--|----2--------4--------5--------|
G |-------0-----------0-----|-------3--------2--------0-----|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------------|
And, as promised, here is my second evolution of the song. The changes mainly consist of
strings are played and which aren't during the chords and a slightly different pattern
the picking section where all of the strings are open, but they're not major; rather,
Variation Two of Nazi Girlfriend, tuning: D G D G Bb/A# D
D |-0----0----0----0----0----0--0--0-|
G |-0----0----0----0----0----0--0--0-|
D |-5----4----3----2----0----2--4--5-|
G |-7----5----5----3----0----3--2--0-|
Bb|-X----X----X----0----0----0--0--X-| (Note, the Bb is now closed instead.)
D |-X----X----X----X----X----X--X--X-| (The high D is always closed now.)
The following sections remain the same.
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
G |-0-----------0-----------|-0-----------0-----------|
D |----5-----5-----5-----5--|----4-----4-----4-----4--|
G |-------7-----------7-----|-------5-----------5-----|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
G |-0-----------0-----------|-0-----------0-----------|
D |----3-----3-----3-----3--|----2-----2-----2-----2--|
G |-------5-----------5-----|-------3-----------3-----|
D |-------------------------|-------------------------|
And once again, the change comes at the end of the picking cycle. Note that the Bb in
final section is once again played in the chord, but the high D is not.
D |-------------------------|--------------------0----|
G |-0-----------0-----------|-0--------0---------0----|
D |----0-----------0--------|----2--------4------5----|
G |----------0-----------0--|-------3--------2---0----|
D |-------------------------|--------------------X----|
Because this song seems to be a constatly shifting miasma of brilliant songwriting, I've
up with even more variations of the song since the creation of the first two I've
here. However, I think you're better off using what I've given you as a guide to coming
with your own interpretations of the song. I may yet update this tab with other versions
so check back every now and then.
I truely hope this tab has helped a few lost people out there who, like I once was, were
around blindly in search of a Nazi Girlfriend tab.
Should you have any questions or comments about the tab, or if you'd like to share any
your own interpretations of the song, feel free to contact me at
where I check my email regularly. Rest assured, I'll be sure to give you the credit for
you decide to send me, whether it ends up being posted here or you just wished to share
That concludes my tab for Nazi Girlfriend! I hope that you, the reader, enjoyed my work
that you took something useful away from it.
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