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Creed - Time Chords Creed - Time Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Creed | Em Dsus2
I can't explain, Can't quite put my finger on it
the difference that makes us so different
Em Dsus2
We've said everything, our words only betrayed us
nothing is left, nothing was left unsaid
This time I have nothing left to loose
Em Dsus2
I'm stuck the second hand wont move
Its about time that I speak my mind
Its about time, about time to find
Em Dsus2
pieces of me I have lost, without any choice i move on
hey time your no friend of mine, hey time your no friend of mine
And the rest of the song is played like that: Not 100% sure if they are the
correct chords but they sound all right.
First tab so please don't be too harsh about the set up of the whole thing :)
Rest of lyrics down below. Listen to the song for timing.
You cover yourself, you cover your skin
you cover yourself like you cover your sin
please untie my hands, I'm a sinner
I'm a man
I ask for one minute to make you understand
This time I have nothing left to loose
I'm stuck the second hand wont move
Its about time that I speak my mind
Its about time, about time to find
pieces of me I have lost without any choice I move on
hey time your no friend of mine, hey time your no friend of mine
Will you be there to catch me when I stumble, when I fall, when I fall
Its so very clear you left me when I had no one at all, no one at all
Who will be there to catch me, to catch me when I stumble
when I fall, when I fall
Its so very clear you left me, you left me with no one at all, no one at all
This time I have nothing left to loose
I'm stuck the second hand wont move
Its about time that I speak my mind
Its about time, about time to find
pieces of me I have lost without any choice I move on
hey time your no friend of mine, hey time your no friend of mine
no friend of mine, time your no friend of mine
your no friend of mine, hey time your no friend of mine
the pieces of me i have lost without any choice I move on
Time, time your no friend of mine
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