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Creed - My Sacrifice Version 2 Creed - My Sacrifice Version 2 |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1997 Pesničku videlo 1190 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Creed | Tuning: D A D G B D (low to high)
Transcribed by: Adam Strachn
This song is really good. It's amazing that Creed actually wrote a 'love' ballad. Great lyrics and guitar throughout the whole song!
All I have to say is that they are back and won't stop now!!
I have compiled this tab from other tabs online and my own work.
Like usual I will update the tab as I figure out better ways to play it or to get it closer to the way he plays it. The tuning is just like regular Drop D but the high E string is tuned to D also. Get a tuner to do this. I was thinking it was in DADADD tuning (which it might be) but this tuning seems more accurate.
Notes -
Intro - Play this with your fingers, it sounds like he uses a delay effect.
Verse - The is last chords the Bm and the G abr chord are strummed.
Chorus - Listen to the song real good for the timing of how o play the chords.
Bridge – Easy octave riffs
Other - The clean chorus after the bridge is played with a phase shifter I
THINK. The rest is pretty simple to figure out.
(clean tone, let notes ring out)
Kick in the distortion and let the feedback roll a little
Verse -
-0----0-----0---0--0--0----0--0--0--|--0----0----0-0--0----0--0--0---0---/5--| *
Right before the chorus do a pick scrape across the top D & A strings
Chorus –
When you are with me . . . . . . I’m free . . . . . . . . I’m
Careless . . . . . . . . . I believe . . . . “
* * *
Bridge – “I just want to say hello to again . . .“
* * * *
A little later on – (a Led Zeppelin like riff ala “Kashmir”)
* * * * *
Clean chorus – (listen to the song well to get this part and strum the chords)
Right before the distorted chorus Mark does harmonics between the 2nd and 3rd frets –
Then it goes into the dirty chorus -
When you are with me . . . . . . I’m free . . . . . . . . I’m
Careless . . . . . . . . . I believe . . . . “
* * *
Then the bridge riffs
Outro (played clean very quiet then it fades out, not exactly sure how accurate it is)
Tab Key-
H = hammer on
P = pull off
~ = let note(s) ring
/ slide up or down
x = mute sting(s)
^ = harmonics
* = palm mute
Lyrics -
Hello my friend we meet again
It's been a while where should we begin...
Feels like forever.
Within my heart are memories...
Of perfect love that you taught me...
I remember...
When you are with me...
I'm Free...
I'm Careless...
I Believe.
Above all the others...
We'll fly...
This brings tears...
To my eyes...
My sacrifice...
We've seen our share of ups and downs.
Oh...how quickly life can turn around...
In an instant.
It feels so good to reunite...
With yourself and with your mind...
Let's find peace there...
When you are with me...
I'm Free...
I'm Careless...
I Believe.
Above all the others...
We'll fly...
This brings tears...
To my eyes...
My sacrifice...
I just want to say hello again
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