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Creed - Full Circle Creed - Full Circle |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1999 Pesničku videlo 1120 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Creed | tuning - B F# B E G# C#
tabbed by jjhand
Acoustic Main Riff - play w/ fingers
play 3x 4th bar each time is:
|------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
|-----------------------3------| |-----------------------------|
|-------------------2----------| |-----------------------------|
|---0----0---0-----------------| |---0----0---0------0---------|
|------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
|-0---0--3qb-3qb--0---0---0--0-| |-0---0--3qb-3qb--0---3qb-3qb-|
Verse 1 -
|----0---------|----------------| rest for 8 beats then resume Main Riff
"Got your freedom now boy... Who do you serve"
"Took for granted what you should have preserved"
"No time left, no time left, to make amends"
"Keep burning bridges while you're buying your new friends"
Acoustic Prechorus (0:42) - play 2x ** turn up distortion heavy at end
B/A G6 G
"A day of reflection hits, you're a shell, skin and bones, counting costs"
"Is it worth your soul? A day of reflection hits"
pick scrape by Electric Guitar comes in at the end of above line
Chorus - both parts strum in 16th note rhythm
Guitar 1
B5 D5 Cadd9 E5
|-0------------|-3------------|-2------------|-5-------------| play
|-0------------|-3------------|-3------------|-5-------------| 2x
|Guitar 2
|-14-----------|-17-----------|-17-----------|-16------------| play
|--------------|--------------|--------------|---------------| 2x
"It's funny how times can change, rearrange and distance makes the pain fade away"
"So important then, doesn't matter now Both feet on the ground, Come full circle"
"Yeah, come full circle"
Repeat Verse with Verse 2 Lyrics:
"No access granted now boy, you've been denied"
"Jump the fence to see what's on the other side"
"Are you wanted, are you wanted? The question is,"
"could second chances mean another impression?"
Repeat Prechorus with same lyrics
Repeat Chorus (2:05)
Bridge (Electric) - PM the notes with ***
"Come Full Circle..."
"I got one foot stuck in heaven yeah, one foot stuck in hell"
"I looked at God, he winked at me, I made this mess myself"
"Don't be surprised and don't deny, hear every word I say"
"Close the door and don't look back or you will fade away"
Chorus Refrain (2:58) - play 2x with Chorus lyrics on repeat
Play Chorus Again (3:21)
Solo (played with Chorus Chords on Rhythm Guitar)
|-------------------------------------------|-0-------| lead guitar plays slide
|-------------------------------------------|-0-(12\)-| rhythm plays open notes
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| b bend note
| r release bent note
| ~ vibrato
| x Mute note
| v bend note down in pitch with tremelo bar
| ^ bend note up in pitch with tremelo bar
| PH pinch harmonic
| () hold note from previous bar, or a second guitar part is overlapping |
| |