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Creed - Don´t Stop Dancing Version 2 Creed - Don´t Stop Dancing Version 2 | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Creed | Tuning: standard
Chords use in this song: G, Em7, Cadd9, C and Am
G Em7
At times life is wicked and I just can't see the light
G Em7
A silver lining sometimes isn't enough to make some wrong
Seem right
G Em7 Cadd9
Whatever life brings, I've been through everything and now I'm on my knees
But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many feel this wayyyy
G Cadd9 G
Children, don't stop dancing
Believe, you can fly
Away, Away
G Em7
At times life's unfair and you know it's plain to see
G Em7
Hey God I know I'm just a dot in this world
Have you forgot about me
G Em7 Cadd9
Whatever life brings, I've been through everything and now I'm on my knees
But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many feel this way
G Cadd9 G
Children, don't stop dancing
Believe, you can fly
Am C Am
Away, Awayyyyyyyyyyyy....
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Am I hiding in the shadows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Am I hiding in the shadows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Am I hiding in the shadows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Am I hiding in the shadows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Forget the pain and forget the sorrows
But I know I must go on
Although I hurt I must be strong
Because inside I know that many feel this way
Soft Chorus:
G Cadd9 G
Children, don't stop dancing
Believe, you can fly
Am Am
Away, Awayyyyyyyyyyyy
G Cadd9 G
Children, don't stop dancing
Believe, you can fly
Am Am
Away, Away
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Am I hiding in the shadows
G Cadd9 G Cadd9
Are we hiding in the shadows
The greatest song of Creed for any comment and problem contact thecool_guy16@yahoo.com
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