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Creed: Scott Stapp ještě před reunionem CREED vydá sólovku „Higher Power“ - Je tomu pár týdnů, co CREED ohlásili reunionové koncerty, k nimž dojde příští r... - spark | 

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Creed - Bullets Creed - Bullets |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 2009 Pesničku videlo 1076 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Creed | This is not exact but darn close given the time factor I have had to work with it. I haven't been able to get it exact due to the strange effects and noise in the intro but it's darn close. If anything this should give other people a foundation to build on.
Intro - It's really close but probably not exactly how Mark plays it
Verse - Sounds right, sounds awesome. But it’s not perfect yet.
Chorus – Again sounds close but not perfect.
Bridge – Awesome riff, I tried to get it as close as I could.
Interlude – basically the same thing as the intro.
The rest is easy to understand.
Intro -
Guitar 1 -
Guitar 2 -
Guitar 1 -
Guitar 2 -
Guitar 1
Guitar 2 -
Just repeat that until the verse
Verse – (dirty) When Scott starts to sing Mark palm mutes the riff
Chorus - ”Look at me!”
Then play the verse
Then play the chorus
Bridge -
Then it goes into a LONG pick scrape
Interlude – “All I want is what’s real . . .”
Guitar 1 -
Guitar 2 -
Guitar 1
Guitar 2 -
Then this -
“Please, help me find it please . . .”
Then it goes into the chorus
Then it goes into the bridge riff –
Last chord -
--0--| |
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