Green Carnation - As Life Flows By Green Carnation - As Life Flows By | *** Autor textu: Richard Olsen *** Autor hudby: Green Carnation | Cross my heart and hope to die
With only seconds away before I...
It felt so good when I hit the ground
Come with me; join me on the other side
And life flows by
It hits me when I hit the ground
And life flows by
I am feeling lonely, fading slowly
And life flows by
If tomorrow never see the light
If I never get to say goodbye
It doesn't mean that I don't care
Come with me, and I will take you there
And life flows by
It hits me when I hit the ground
And life flows by
I am feeling lonely, fading slowly
And life flows by
I am feeling lonely, fading slowly
When passion burns no more
When your friends are all gone
When laughter is heard no more
I am the fool who turned away
And life flows by
It hits me when I hit the ground
And life flows by
I am feeling lonely, fading slowly
And life flows by
I am feeling lonely, fading slowly
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