Iron Maiden

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Iron Maiden

Fanúšikov: 1


Iron Maiden - When The Wild Wind Blows
Iron Maiden - When The Wild Wind Blows



Pesničku videlo 5000 návštevníkov.

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Have you heard what they said on the news today
Have you heard what is coming to us all?
That the world as we know it will be coming to an end
Have you heard, have you heard?

He sees them in the distance when the darkened clouds roll
He could feel tension in the atmosphere
He would look in the mirror, see an old man now
Does it matter they survive somehow

They said theres nothing can be done about the situation
They said theres nothing you can do at all
To sit and wait around for something to occur
Did you know, did you know?

As he stares across the garden looking at the meadows
Wonders if theyll ever grow again
The desperation of the situation getting graver
Getting ready when the wild wind blows

Have you seen what they said on the news today
Have you heard what they said about us all
Do you know what is happening to just every one of us
Have you heard, have you heard?

There will be a catastrophe the like weve never seen
There will be something that will light the sky
That the world as we know it, it will never be the same
Did you know, did you know?

He carries everything into the shelter not a fuss
Getting ready when the moment comes
He has enough supplies to last them for a year or two
Good to have because you never know

They tell us nothing that we dont already know about
They tell us nothing that is real at all
They only fill us with the stuff that they want
Did you know, did you know?

Hes nearly finished with the preparations for the day
Hes getting tired; thatll do for now
They are preparing for the very worst to come to them
Getting ready when the wild wind blows

He sees the picture on the wall, its falling down
Upside down
He sees a teardrop from his wife roll down her face,
Saying Grace
Remember times they had, they flash right through his mind
Left behind
Of a lifetime spent together long ago
Will be gone

Theyve been preparing for some weeks now
For when the crucial moment comes
To take their refuge in the shelter
Let them prepare for what will come

They make a tea and sit there waiting
Theyre in the shelter feeling snug
Not long to wait for absolution
Dont make a fuss; just sit and wait

Cant believe all the lying,
All the screens are denying
That the moments of truth have begun

Cant you see it on the T.V.?
Dont believe them in the least bit
Now the days of our ending have begun

Say a prayer when its all over
Survivors unite, all as one
Got to try and help each other
Got the will to overcome

I cant believe all the lying,
All the screens are denying
That the moments of truth have begun
Cant you see it on the T.V.?
Dont believe them in the least bit
Now the days of our ending have begun

When they found them, had their arms wrapped around each other
Their tins of poison laying near by their clothes
The day they both mistook an earthquake for the fallout,
Just another when the wild wind blows

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