Kanye West

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Kanye West:
Kanye West plánuje spustiť vlastnú kryptomenu „Swasticoin“. Oznámil to
na sieti X
- Raper naznačuje vstup do kryptosveta.... - Refresher.sk

Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film o módě - Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film. Zprávu přinesl New York Post, který zárov... - evropa2.cz

TOPKY tohto týždňa: Slávna kráska pohoršila fanúšikov,
rozvod Kanyeho Westa a zásnuby hviezdnej speváčky!
- LOS ANGELES – Počas tohto týždňa sa opäť vo veľkom hovorilo o d... - bleskovky.sk

Kanye a Bianca čelia špekuláciám o rozvode. Pár sa má pritom pripravovať
na Valentína
- Kanye West a Bianca Censori si v poslednom období získali veľkú pozornosť po ich vys... - Refresher.sk

Po nahotě na Grammy přišla šokující zpráva: Kanye West a Bianca Censori
se rozešli
- Jen krátce poté, co jejich výstup na udílení cen Grammy řešil téměř celý svět... - super.cz

Kanye West:
Kanye West utnul všechny spekulace: Pravda o nahé Biance! - Od popr... - blesk.cz

Kanye West:
Šílenství Kanyeho Westa: Nejdřív vyznal obdiv Hitlerovi, pak se prohlásil
za Boha
- Kanye West opět šokuje svět svými bizarními výlevy. Po sérii antisemitských a ras... - extra.cz

Kanye West:
Raper West zmizel ze sítě X. Sdílení pornografie byla poslední kapka - Účet rapera Kanye Westa (47) na síti X, původně známé jako Twitter, platforma deak... - idnes.cz

Kanye West:
Kanye West znovu šokuje: Antisemitské výlevy, láska k Hitlerovi, podpora
Diddyho a kontrola manželky
- Fandit Kanyemu Westovi a stále ho hájit je čím dál těžší - a možná už zcela n... - musicserver.cz

Nepříjemnost Biancy po odhalení na Grammy: Chtěla se blýsknout zpěvem na
Adele, Kanye ji ignoroval a sledoval mobil
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Kanye West

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Kanye West - Pinocchio Story
Kanye West - Pinocchio Story



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Wise men say
Wise men say
Wise men say
The baddest niggas out there bro
Never figure out real love
You'll never figure out real love
You'll never figure out real love

Its so crazy
I got everything figured out
But for some reason I can never find what real love is about
No doubt
Everything in the world figured out but I can never seem to find what real love is about

Do you think I sacrificed real life
For all the fame of flashing lights?
Do you think I sacrifice a real life
For all the fame of flashing lights?

There is no Gucci I can buy
There is no Louis Vuitton to put on
There is no YSL that they could sell
To get my heart out of this hell
And my mind out of this jail
There is no clothes that I could buy
That could turn back the time
There is no vacation spot I could fly
That could bring back a piece of real life
Real life, what does it feel like?
I ask you tonight, I ask you tonight
What does it feel like, I ask you tonight
To live a real life
I just want to be a real boy
They always say Kanye, he keeps it real boy
Pinocchio story is, I just want to be a real boy
Pinocchio story is to be a real boy

Its funny Pinocchio lied and that's what kept him from it
I tell the truth and I keep running
Its like I'm looking for something out there trying to find something
I turn on the TV and see me and see nothing

What does it feel like to live real life to be real?
Not some facade on TV that no can really feel
Do you really have the stamina...
For everybody that sees you and that say 'where's my camera?'
For everybody that sees you and says 'sign my autograph'
For everybody that sees you and says that 'you all that'
You all that
I just want to be a real boy,
Pinocchio story goes, I just want to be a real boy
Pinocchio story goes...

And there is no Gepetto to guide me, no one right beside me
The only one was behind me I cant find her no more,
I cant find her no more I cant...
the only one that come out on the tour and stay, stay, stay...
Back when I was living at home and this was all a big dream

And the fame will be got caught
And the day I moved to LA
Maybe that was all my fault
All my fault to be a real boy
Chasing the American dream,
Chasing everything we seen
Up on the TV screen
And when I- the Benz was left
And the clothes was left
And the hoes was left
You talk the hoes to death thinkin the money that the-
You spent the doughs to death
And tell me what-tf for a real boy

They say Kanye you keep it too real boy
Perspective and Wise man say, one day you'll find your way
The wise man say, you'll find your way
The wise man say, you'll find your way
The wise man say

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