Kanye West

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Kanye West:
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Kanye West:
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Kanye West:
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Kanye West

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Kanye West - Power
Kanye West - Power



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(Oh heyyy Oh heyyy Oh heyyy
Heyyy Heyyy)

Im living in that 21st century doin' something mean to it
Do it better then anybody you ever seen do it
Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it
I guess every superhero need his theme music

No one man should have all that power
The clocks tickin' I just count the hours
Stop trippin' I'm trippin off the power
(21st century Schizoid Man)

The system broken, the schools closed, the prison's open
We ain't got nothing to lose ma'f*cker we rollin',
Haaa? ma'f*cker we rollin'
With some light skinned girls and some Kelly Rowland's
In this white man world we the one's chosen
So goodnight cruel world I see you in the mornin',
Haaa? I see you in the mornin'
This is way too much, I need a moment.

No one man should have all that power
The clocks tickin' I just count the hours
Stop trippin' I'm trippin off the power
Till then, fuck that the world's ours
(21st Century Schizoid Man)

Fuck SNL and the whole cast
Tell them Yeezy said they can kiss my whole ass
More specifically they can kiss my ass hole
I'm an asshole, you niggas got tuggs
You short minded niggas, thoughts is napolean
My verses mongolian, my ice brought the goalies in
I embody every characteristic of the egotistic
he knows, he so f*ckin' gifted
I just needed time alone, with my own thoughts
Got treasures in my mind but couldnt open up my own vault
My child-like creativity, purity and honesty is honestly being crowded by these grown thoughts
Reality is catching up with me, taking my inner child I'm fighting for custody
With these responsibilities that they entrust in me
As I look down at my diamond crush to piece

No one man should have all that power
The clocks tickin' I just count the hours
Stop trippin' I'm trippin off the powder
Till then, fuck that the world's ours
(21st Century Schizoid Man)

Colin Powers, Austin Powers
Lost in translation with a whole f*ckin' nation
They say I was the abomination of Obama's nation
Well thats a pretty dour way to start a conversation
At the end of the day goddamn it I'm killin' this shit
I know damn well ya'll feelin' this shit
I dont need your pussy, bitch I'm on my own dick
I aint got a power trip who you goin home with?
How 'Ye doin'? I'm Surviving
I was drinkin' earlier now I'm driving
Where the bad bitches huh? where ya hidin'?
I got the power make your life so excited..

(Oh heyyy Oh heyyy Oh heyyy
Heyyy Heyyy)

Now this'll be a beautiful death
Im jumpin out the window
Lettin everything go
Lettin everything go

You got the power to let power go..

(21st Century Schizoid Man)

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