The Kelly Family - Mrs Speechless The Kelly Family - Mrs Speechless | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
CI'dmim just flying through the space
CIn my dream
There i saw your face
CdmTo, ride, about, all, the, stars
We took a little trip to mars
CThdmiat was nice, that was nice
CIndmi that dream there was no talking
CdmThere, was, no, shouting
There was no fighting
CThere was just you and me
Without eacht others history
CThdmiat was nice, that was nice
dmiSheC's my little miss speachless
dmiSheC's my biggest weakness
dmiHelClo mrs. speachless
CHow do you do
CHow do you do
dmiDo Cyou know how much i love you
dmiHowC do you do
dmiDo Cyou know how much i miss you
CI dmilove the colour of your hair
CAnd of your lips
When you touch me with your fingertips
CMakes me all warm inside
Then i just wanna hide
CFrdmiom you, from you
dmiSheC's my little miss speachless
dmiSheC's my biggest weakness
dmiHelClo mrs. speachless
CHow do you do
CHow do you do
dmiDo Cyou know how much i love you
dmiHowC do you do
dmiDo Cyou know how much i miss you
CDodmin't give up
CWhdmien things go wrong
CDodmin't have a stop, don't have a stop
CHodmild on, hold on,
CHodmild on, hold on,
CHodmild on, hold on,
CHodmild on, hold on,
CHodmild on, hold on,
dmiHelClo mrs. speachless
CHoCw do you do
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