I've beeDn waiting for thEmi7is moment
For youG to see theD real me
It's been Gan illusion
But I nDever meant to Emi7fool you
I got caGught up inD a fantasy
I'm juGst a girl
With a dreDam that got the bEmi7est of me
InG a world tDhat believes famEmi7e is everything
Got out Gof touch with Dthe ones that gaveEmi7 me my wings
GTo fDly, to fly
PeGople say
That the worDld is like a stEmi7age
Yes I'Gm confused, tDhe roles I play
I've Gbeen away Dfrom home fEmi7or so long
That I, almoGst forgot whereD I belong
I'm jusGt a girl
With a dreDam that got the bEmi7est of me
In Ga world thDat believes fameEmi7 is everything
Got outG of touch withD the ones that gavEmi7e me my wings
ToG flyD, to fly
It's so eGasy to forget
what really mDatters in this Emi7life
It's so harGd to live with regrets
But I prDomise I will tEmi7ry
To be a Gbetter me
FroDm now on, I'm sorry
GI didn't mean to do Dyou wrong
I'm juGst a girl
With a dreDam that got the bEmi7est of me
In a worGld that believDes fame Emi7is everything
Got ouGt of touch witDh the ones that gaEmi7ve me my wings
GTo fDly, to fly
GTo fDly, to fly
You giGve me my wings
so I can fDly
I caGn fly,D yeah