Billy Joel - A Matter Of Trust Billy Joel - A Matter Of Trust | *** Autor textu: Joel *** Autor hudby: Joel | Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
And they may not want it to end
But it will, it's just a question of when
I've lived long enough to have learned
The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned
But that won't happen to us
Because it's always been a matter of trust
= Trocha lásky je len klamaním srdca
= Chladnými zvyškami niečoho čo začalo tak vášnivo
= A hoci sa im to nechce skončiť
= Skončí to, je to len otázkou času
= Zažil som toho dosť, aby som pochopil
= Že čím viac sa k ohňu priblížiš, tým viac sa popáliš
= Ale nám sa to nestane
= Lebo je to len vec dôvery
Now I know you're an emotional girl
It took a lot for you to not lose your faith in this world
I can't offer you proof
But you're gonna face a moment of truth
It's hard when you're always afraid
You just recover when another belief is betrayed
So break my heart if you must
It's a matter of trust
= Veď ja viem že si citlivá
= Nie je ľahké v tejto dobe udržať si dôveru
= Nemám pre teba dôkaz
= Ale jedného dňa sa pravda ukáže
= Je to ťažké keď sa stále bojíš
= Uistíš sa len keď v druhom dôveru zradíš
= Tak mi zlom srdce ak musíš
= Je to len vec dôvery
You can't go the distance
With too much resistance
I know you have doubts
But for God's sake don't shut me out
= No nezájdeš ďaleko
= S prehnanou opatrnosťou
= Chápem, že máš obavy
= Len ma pre Boha nezatracuj
This time you've got nothing to lose
You can take it, you can leave it
Whatever you choose
I won't hold back anything
And I'll walk away a fool or a king
Some love is just a lie of the mind
It's make believe until it's only a matter of time
And some might have learned to adjust
But then it never was a matter of trust
= Teraz už nemáš čo stratiť
= Môžeš to skúsiť a nemusíš
= Nech si vyberieš čokoľvek
= Nebudem nič tajiť
= A odídem buď ako somár alebo ako kráľ
= Trocha lásky je len klamaním rozumu
= Vieru si môžno vynútiť len po určitý čas
= A podaktorí vedia byť presvedčiví
= Ale to potom nie je vec dôvery
I'm sure you're aware love
We've both had our share of
Believing too long
When the whole situation was wrong
= Iste si uvedomuješ, drahá
= Že obaja máme svoj podiel na tom
= Že tak dlho sme si dokázali veriť
= Aj keď to medzi nami nebolo dobré
Some love is just a lie of the soul
A constant battle for the ultimate state of control
After you've heard lie upon lie
There can hardly be a question of why
Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
But that can't happen to us
Because it's always been a matter of trust
= Trocha lásky je len oklamaním duše
= Neustály boj za stav definitívnej istoty
= Tam, kde počúvaš klamstvo za klamstvom
= Sa ťažko objaví otázka prečo
= Trocha lásky je len klamaním srdca
= Chladnými zvyškami niečoho čo začalo tak vášnivo
= Ale to sa nám nemôže stať
= Lebo je to len vec dôvery |
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