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Benson Boone: NEJVíC NEJ: Čtyřicet nejlepších zahraničních desek roku 2024 podle musicserveru (20-11) - Už je to jisté: svět se zbláznil. Události posledních 12 měsíců to dokazují. A ... - musicserver.cz |
Mika: Perfume Genius oznamuje nový album singlom Its a Mirror - Spevák a skladateľ Perfume Genius oznámil blížiace sa vydanie svojho siedmeho albumu... - zoznam.sk |
Avery: 2024: Hudební karamboly. Setkání starších pánů, rvačka v kapele i nechtěná svatba - Není to jenom hudba, co provází fungování světové a naší hudební scény. Tu a... - novinky.cz |
Mika: Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells in Concert v Bratislave! - Najlepší vianočný darček je hudobný zážitok – ikonický Mike Oldfield Tubular B... - teraz.sk |
Chester Bennington: Linkin Park jsou zpět v plné síle. Vydali album From Zero, první bez Chestera Benningtona - Mike Shinoda, Brad Delson, Dave „Phoenix Farrell, Joe Hahn, Emily Armstrong a Colin Bri... - evropa2.cz |
Dead Daisies: FOTOGALERIE: Hardrocková smršť v Praze: The Dead Daisies, Beastö Blancö a Mike Tramp - Tři kapely, jedna noc, neskutečná atmosféra. Těmito slovy by se dal shrnout střede... - musicserver.cz |
Mika: Nemůže ho zklamat. Fiktosexuál z Japonska oslavil šestileté výročí svatby - Vztahy mají v dnešní době mnoho podob. Japonec Akihiko Kondo se po několika milostn... - novinky.cz |
Dream Theater: NAžIVO: Všechny barvy hudby. Dream Theater v Praze důstojně a radostně oslavili čtyřicet let na scéně - Když se vloni do řad Dream Theater vrátil bubeník Mike Portnoy, řada fanoušků si u... - musicserver.cz |
Dream Theater: Koncert DREAM THEATER v Zábřehu byl plný slz, zemřela sestra Mikea Portnoye - Bubeník DREAM THEATER Mike Portnoy truchlí nad smrtí své sestry Samanthy Leone Cattan... - spark |
Dream Theater: Koncert DREAM THEATER v Záhřebu byl plný slz, zemřela sestra Mikea Portnoye - Bubeník DREAM THEATER Mike Portnoy truchlí nad smrtí své sestry Samanthy Leone Cattan... - spark |
Mika - Blame It On The Girls Mika - Blame It On The Girls | | So I was sitting there in the bar and this guy comes up to me and he said "My life stinks" and I saw his gold credit card and I saw the way he was looking at people across the room and I looked at his face and you know, what a good looking face, and I just said, "Dude, your perspective on life sucks".
He's got looks that books take pages to tell
He's got a face to make you fall on your knees
He's got money in the bank to thank and I guess
You could think he's livin' at ease
Like lovers on the open shore -- What's the matter?
When you're sitting there with so much more --What's the matter?
While you're wondering what the hell to be
Are you wishing you were ugly like me?
Blame it on the girls who know what to do
Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you
Blame it on your mother for the things she said
Blame it on your father but you know he's dead
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Life could be simple but you never fail
To complicate it every single time
You could have children and a wife, a perfect little life
But you blow it on a bottle of wine
Like a baby you're a stubborn child -- what's the matter
Always looking for an axe to grind -- what's the matter
While you're wondering what the hell to do
We were wishing we were lucky like you
Blame it on the girls who know what to do
Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you
Blame it on your mother for the things she said
Blame it on your father but you know he's dead
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys x 2
He's got looks that books take pages to tell
He's got a face to make you fall on your knees
He's got money in the bank to thank and I guess
You could think he's livin' at ease
Blame it on the girls who know what to do
Blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you
Blame it on your mother for the things she said
Blame it on your father but you know he's dead
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys
Blame it on the girls
Blame it on the boys x 2 |
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