F#miSometEhing F#miweird is happening
F#miSomething EI can't Ddeny
Hmi strange kind of mGagic
ARunning through my brain
HmiFeel I'm in hGeaven
AOr going insaneC#
Cause everytime we Dtouch I Eget this F#mifeeling
and every Etime we Dkiss I Eswear I could F#mifly
Can't you Efeel my Dheart beat Afast
I Ewant this to F#milast
ANeed you by my Eside
Cause everytime we Dtouch I Efeel the F#mistatic
and everyEtime we Dkiss I Ereach for the F#misky
Can't you Ehear my Dheart beat Aso
I Ecan't let you F#migo
AWant you in my Elife
F#miThe wind Ewas like a F#mihurricane
F#miStorm clouds Efilled theD sky
F#miI heard a Ecrash of F#mithunder
F#miThe earth Eshook in Dreply
Hmi strange kind of Gmagic
ARunning through my brain
HmiFeel like I'm in Gheaven
AOr going insaneC#
Cause everytime we Dtouch I Eget this F#mifeeling
and every Etime we Dkiss I Eswear I could F#mifly
Can't you Efeel my Dheart beat Afast
I Ewant this to F#milast
ANeed you by my Eside
Cause everytime we Dtouch I Efeel the F#mistatic
and everyEtime we Dkiss I Ereach for the F#misky
Can't you Ehear my Dheart beat Aso
I Ecan't let you F#migo
AWant you in my Elife
Cause everytime we Dtouch I Eget this F#mifeeling
and every Etime we Dkiss I Eswear I could F#mifly
Can't you Efeel my Dheart beat Afast
I Ewant this to F#milast
ANeed you by my Eside
Cause everytime we Dtouch I Efeel the F#mistatic
and everyEtime we Dkiss I Ereach for the F#misky
Can't you Ehear my Dheart beat Aso
I Ecan't let you F#migo
AWant you in my Elife