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Iced Earth: Jon Schaffer nejspíš za účast na útoku na Kapitol vyfasuje podmínku - Soud s šéfem ICED EARTH Jonem Schafferem pokračuje. Obžaloba mu navrhuje v souvislost... - spark |
Iced Earth: Jon Schaffer z ICED EARTH bude za útok na Kapitol odsouzen 20. února 2024 - Soudce stanovil 20. únor 2024 jako den, kdy bude vyneseno rozhodnutí o délce trestu Jo... - spark |
Iced Earth: Barlow zpívá Owense a naopak – ICED EARTH připravili nevšední EP - Po násilnostech u amerického Kapitolu, k nimž došlo v lednu 2021, nebylo o lídrovi I... - spark |
Annihilator: Novým zpěvákem ANNIHILATOR se stal Stu Block - Kapelník kanadské thrashové formace Jeff Waters se chce více věnovat kytarovým zál... - spark |
Iced Earth: Jon Schaffer se vrací. Připravil album i knihu - Nějakou dobu působil jako psanec, pro mnohé možná dokonce odepsanec. Nyní se ale zd... - spark |
ARES: Dva bývalí zpěváci ICED EARTH bok po boku v ASHES OF ARES - V lednu vyjde třetí album powermetalového projektu ASHES OF ARES, za kterým stojí dv... - spark |
Iced Earth: ICED EARTH se po roce probrali na sociálních sítích - Téměř po roce se k aktivitě probudily sociální sítě ICED EARTH. Poprvé od 6. led... - spark |
Iced Earth: Bývalý zpěvák ICED EARTH se tvrdě opřel do Jona Schaffera - Stu Block, jenž u mikrofonu ICED EARTH strávil deset let, se vyjádřil k zapojení Jon... - spark |
Iced Earth: Výkaly, močení, výhružky. Jon Schaffer (ICED EARTH) popisuje muka z vazby - Kytarista ICED EARTH má pletky se zákonem poté, co se zúčastnil lednového útoku na... - spark |
Iced Earth: JON SCHAFFER po částečném přiznání viny za nepokoje v Kapitolu opustil soud - Kytarista ICED EARTH Jon Schaffer v pátek 16. dubna opustil federální soud ve Washingt... - spark |
Iced Earth - Waterloo Iced Earth - Waterloo | | Usher in the rally cries
Revolution's here again
The emperor's bond's are broken
And free he shall remain
Escape, though narrow was demand
While his reign remained in view
This fight for France through bitter end
He must see it though
Coalition forms of many lands
Against Napoleon, West to east
Dogs of war will take to arms
And soon will be unleashed
Prussian, Russian, and Austrian
All follow British lead
At the allies' helm is Wellington
Who must make his foe concede
For shadowed man of destiny
Soon you will be forced to see
Nations aligning against you
Marking your time Your reign is through
...And you will see a 100 days
come to an end
For shadowed man of destiny
Soon you will be forced to see
Nations aligning against you
Marking your time Your reign is through
...It lies before you, fate shall befall you
Quickly the allies gather force
Near the Franco Belgian line
While 124,000 French
march there in double time
As the battle begins
Napoleon springs his audacious plan
He'll attack them on two fronts
splitting up his warring band
As the Prussians sound retreat
Behind they leave 10,000 slain
Most of their force is still intact
and will live to fight again
Wellington, who felt the loss
of 5,000 men
Would feel more under killing fire
bombardment from the French
Of all the wars I have waged
To propel my nations might
For this I'll be remembered
From now 'till the end of time
If To the victor goes the spoils
I may die an impoverished man
For in the end irony
has dealt the cruelest hand
The French force was swift and sure
But their attack would be repelled
And though the center batteed
The Anglo-Dutch line would be held
And as fate or skill would have it
And army moves in from the east
The Prussians, who slipped through his hands
Would soon spell his defeat
The French lines now are broken
And being open to attack
The emperor has no choice
And the old guard calls him back
45,000 wounded or dead
When the fight was finally through
On a 3 mile square the battlefield
Near a town named Waterloo |
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