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Bažant Pohoda: Katarzia, Vladimir 518, Nina Kohout, Dukla, Ventolin či The Wilderness. Pozrite si fotoreport z Koncertu pre všímavých - Organizátori festivalu Pohoda a bratislavský klub Pink Whale sa spojili, aby spoločne ... - |
Katarzia: Umelecká oslava Nežnej revolúcie: Na Koncerte pre všímavých vystúpia Vladimir 518, Katarzia, Ventolin aj Nina Kohout - Už v nedeľu 17. novembra sa uskutoční Koncert pre všímavých ako hudobná oslava 35... - |
Pink: Karol MikloÅ¡ na Å¡peciálnom koncerte s hosÅ¥ami v Pink Whale pokrstà nový album NoÄné vlaky - V sobotu 14. septembra sa bude v priestoroch bratislavského klubu Pink Whale kon... - |
Manon Meurt: Shoegaze, post-rock aj krautrock v podpalubí Pink Whale - Rád chodím na koncerty, kde okrem dobrej hudby stretnem aj dobrých priateľov. Presne ... - |
Karol Mikloš: Karol Mikloš na špeciálnom koncerte s hosťami v Pink Whale pokrstí nový album Nočné vlaky - V sobotu 14. septembra sa bude v priestoroch bratislavského klubu Pink Whale konať v... - |
Dark: VIDEO: David Gilmour zachycuje v klipu k singlu Dark and Velvet Nights prchavé okamžiky tvorby - Téměř dekádu dlouhé čekání na nové studiové album Davida Gilmoura se chýlí ke... - |
Pink: Výnimočný večer v Pink Whale: Hardcore z Kalifornie, post-hardcore z New Yorku aj najhlučnejšia kapela na svete! - V utorok 6. augusta sa bratislavskému klubu na lodi Pink Whale podarilo zorganizovať sk... - |
Pink: A Place to Bury Strangers prichádzajú do Bratislavy, ale toto je rozhovor s predkapelou - Kariérny highlight slovenskej noise-punkovej kapely Wine Fault vypukne už 6. augusta na... - |
Bažant Pohoda: Aby bola Pohoda v pohode: Kultúrna obec sa spojila a organizuje benefičné Koncerty pre Pohodu - V sobotu a sa na lodi Pink Whale uskutočnil prvý z Koncertov pre Pohodu. V stredu 17. j... - |
Alice in WonderBand: World Music Festival v Bratislave bude pre všetkých. Opäť k nám prinesie umelcov z celého sveta - Už o mesiac, presne v polovici augusta, sa na rôznych miestach Bratislavy predstavia sv... - |
Pink - Spllit Personality Pink - Spllit Personality |
| Hmm, ooh
I do not trust
So I can not love
(Uh can't no man be trusted)
Oh no, no, no
And I will not dare
To open up
(This is dusted Pink)
Well my rent's passed due
And now my car won't stop
I hate the bus
(Aren't you glad you have somebody to talk to?)
Tell me what do they see
When they look at me
Do they see my many personalities, oh no?
1 - Can you help me?
Can anybody hear me?
Can they even see me?
This is my reality, oh no
(Can it be my turn now?)
(Said is it my turn Pink)
Said I'll say it again
You're my only friend
(I protect you from the world)
(I basically protect you from yourself)
Though I can't go on
I'm not satisfied
With this being the end
(This is just the beginning)
2 - Tell me why can't I
Just reach up and simply touch the sky
Tell me why can't I
Spread my arms and fly and fly and fly
Tell me why can't I say this
Why can't I do that?
Tell me what do they want from me?
Tell me how to act
Repeat 1 (2x)
So I'm putting it all on the table
You don't know me well enough to label
Sick or even disturbed
When you break it down I'm just two girls
Trying to blend, trying to vie (trying)
Trying to live just one life (it's so hard)
Everybody's got its amenities
I've got a split personality
Repeat 2
Repeat 1 (2x)
(Why won't you talk to me?)
Can you help me?
(Talk to me don't ignore me)
Do you hear me?
(I can't take it)
Do you see me at this time?
(Oh calm down)
It's all mine
(It's not that serious)
It's my reality
(We'll be just fine without them)
It's just too much for me
(Forget them)
Oh, oh
(You're my friend)
(My friend)
(Pink!) |
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