Lee Ryan
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Nia: Slávny spevák po opileckom VYVÁDZANÍ na palube lietadla: Už pozná svoj TREST! - LONDÝN - Skupina Blue sa tešila najväčším úspechom v rokoch 2000 až 2005. Potom s... - topky.sk |
Lee Ryan: Na narodeniny dostal DAR OD BOHA: Známy spevák bude 5-násobným otcom! - LONDÝN - Neuplynul ešte ani rok, čo sa z neho stal 4-násobný otec, no už je na cest... - topky.sk |
Lee Ryan: DRÁMA na palube lietadla: Známeho speváka NAPADOL spolucestujúci! - TURECKO - Na cestu z Gruzínska do Turecka bude známa britská kapela Blue spomínať e... - topky.sk |
Lee Ryan: Zpěvák z kapely Blue, který kvůli alkoholovému extempore v letadle skončil v cele, se stal počtvrté otcem - Zpěvák Lee Ryan (39), známý především jako člen populárního uskupení Blue, a j... - super.cz |
Lee Ryan: Zatknutý spevák z Blue po opileckom vyvádzaní v lietadle: Stal sa 4-násobným otcom! - LONDÝN - Spevák Lee Ryan (39) zo skupiny Blue na seba v lete upozorňoval svojím opile... - topky.sk |
Lee Ryan: Zpěvák ze slavné kapely skončil v cele: Na palubě letadla se hrubě dožadoval alkoholu a urážel personál - Člen kdysi velmi populární chlapecké kapely Blue Lee Ryan byl v neděli odpoledne zat... - super.cz |
Lee Ryan: Jako dítě viděl, jak se kamarádčin otec zastřelil: Zpěvák ze slavné skupiny popsal, jak se to na něm podepsalo - Zpěvák Lee Ryan (37), který se proslavil díky boybandu Blue, prozradil, že si nese t... - super.cz |
Lee Ryan: Lee Ryan nebude môcť dva roky šoférovať |
Lee Ryan: Expriateľka Leeho Ryana stiahla obvinenie z napadnutia |
Lee Ryan: Obvinebý z napadnutia snúbenice |
Lee Ryan - Bed Bugs Lee Ryan - Bed Bugs | *** Autor textu: Lee Ryan | When I was five I got diagnosed with dyslexia
Everything sounded so complexia
Wound me up till I got so vexer
I didn't know what I would know
I was brought up with three musketeers
Where I lived induced of my fears
Looking back through the years on my tiny fears
I was young and not long ago
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
But I was fed a lot of love it's true
And all the things I've been fighting through
I count my blessings that I have within my life
I've been down
I've been kicked to the ground
But I hear that old sound and it's me that I've found
I've got all these thoughts in my head
Never had the chance to be said
Bed bugs
Lying around in my bed
And I can't sleep with nothing
Wake up there are things to be done
Play hard there are games to be won
Bed bugs
Lying around in my bed
And I can't sleep with nothing
Smoking trees put me in crazy scenarios
Flying far so high you couldn't catch me though
Basketball Diaries with DiCaprio
But my life was real not a movie though
For the pain that I would never show
Felt my heart be bust, cause I felt this low
From the high to the middle to the very low
From the lessons within my life
I wasn't born with a silver spoon
But I was fed a lot of love it's true
And all the things I've been fighting through
I count my blessings that I have within my life
I've been down
I've been kicked to the ground
But i hear that old sound and it's me that I've found
I've got all these thoughts in my head
Never had the chance to be said
Bed bugs
Lying around in my bed
And I can't sleep with nothing
Wake up there are things to be done
Play hard there are games to be won
Bed bugs
Lying around in my bed
And I can't sleep with nothing
I know that life's not easy
God knows I've tried
But if I had just one small wish
I'd live a colourful life
I've got all these thoughts in my head
Never had the chance to be said
Bed bugs
Lying around in my bed
And I can't sleep with nothing
Wake up there are things to be done
Play hard there are games to be won
Bed bugs
Lying around in my bed
And I can't sleep with nothing |
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