Semisonic - Closing Time Semisonic - Closing Time | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
GClosing Dtime
AmiOpen all the Cdoors and Glet you out Dinto the AmiworldC
GClosing Dtime
AmiTurn all of the Clights on over Gevery boy and Devery AmigirlC
GClosing Dtime
AmiOne last call for Calcohol so Gfinish your Dwhiskey or AmibeerC
GClosing Dtime
AmiYou don't have to Cgo home but you Gcan't Dstay AmihereC
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
take me GhomeD,Ami,C
GClosing Dtime
AmiTime for you to Cgo out to the Gplaces you Dwill be AmifromC
GClosing Dtime
AmiThis room won't be Copen till your Gbrothers or your Dsisters AmicomeC
So Ggather up your Djackets, Amimove it to the Cexits
I Ghope you have Dfound a AmifriendC
GClosing Dtime
AmiEvery new beCginning comes from Gsome other beDginning's AmiendC
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
take me GhomeD,Ami,C
B,G#,D#,Cmi 3x
G,D,Ami,C 2x
G,D,Ami,C 4x
GClosing Dtime
AmiTime for you to Cgo out to the Gplaces you Dwill be Amifrom
® 2x
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
GI know Dwho I Amiwant to take me Chome
take me GhomeD,Ami,C
G,D,Ami,C 4x
GClosing Dtime
AmiEvery new beCginning comes from Gsome other beDginning's AmiendC
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