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Kanye West: Kanye West plánuje spustiť vlastnú kryptomenu „Swasticoin“. Oznámil to na sieti X - Raper naznačuje vstup do kryptosveta.... - Refresher.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film o módě - Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film. Zprávu přinesl New York Post, který zárov... - evropa2.cz | 

Bianca: TOPKY tohto týždÅa: Slávna kráska pohorÅ¡ila fanúšikov, rozvod Kanyeho Westa a zásnuby hviezdnej speváÄky! - LOS ANGELES â PoÄas tohto týždÅa sa opäť vo veľkom hovorilo o d... - bleskovky.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye a Bianca čelia špekuláciám o rozvode. Pár sa má pritom pripravovať na Valentína - Kanye West a Bianca Censori si v poslednom období získali veľkú pozornosť po ich vys... - Refresher.sk | 

Grammy: Po nahotě na Grammy přišla šokující zpráva: Kanye West a Bianca Censori se rozešli - Jen krátce poté, co jejich výstup na udílení cen Grammy řešil téměř celý svět... - super.cz | 

Kanye West: Kanye West utnul všechny spekulace: Pravda o nahé Biance! - Od popr... - blesk.cz | 

Kanye West: Šílenství Kanyeho Westa: Nejdřív vyznal obdiv Hitlerovi, pak se prohlásil za Boha - Kanye West opět šokuje svět svými bizarními výlevy. Po sérii antisemitských a ras... - extra.cz | 

Kanye West: Raper West zmizel ze sítě X. Sdílení pornografie byla poslední kapka - Účet rapera Kanye Westa (47) na síti X, původně známé jako Twitter, platforma deak... - idnes.cz | 

Kanye West: Kanye West znovu šokuje: Antisemitské výlevy, láska k Hitlerovi, podpora Diddyho a kontrola manželky - Fandit Kanyemu Westovi a stále ho hájit je čím dál těžší - a možná už zcela n... - musicserver.cz | 

Adele: Nepříjemnost Biancy po odhalení na Grammy: Chtěla se blýsknout zpěvem na Adele, Kanye ji ignoroval a sledoval mobil - O tom, co předvedli Kanye West a především jeho žena Bianca Censori na Grammy, bylo... - super.cz | 

Kanye West - American Boy Featuring Estelle Kanye West - American Boy Featuring Estelle | | Just another one champion sound
Me and Estelle about to get down
Who the hottest in the world right now.
Just touched down in London town.
Bet they give me a pound.
Tell them put the money in my hand right now.
Tell the promoter we need more seats,
We just sold out all the floor seats
Chorus (Estelle)
Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day.
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy.
He said Hey Sister.
It’s really really nice to meet ya.
I just met this 5 foot 7 guys who’s just my type.
I like the way he’s speaking his confidence is peaking.
Don’t like his baggy jeans but I’m like what’s underneath it.
And no I ain’t been to MIA
I heard that Cali never rains and New York heart awaits. First let’s see the west end.
I’ll show you to my bridrens.
I’m like this American Boy. American Boy
Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy
Can we get away this weekend.
Take me to Broadway.
Let’s go shopping baby then we’ll go to a Café.
Let’s go on the subway.
Take me to your hood.
I never been to Brooklyn and I’d like to see what’s good.
Dress in all your fancy clothes.
Sneaker’s looking Fresh to Def I’m lovin’ those Shell Toes.
Walkin’ that walk.
Talk that slick talk.
I’m likin’ this American Boy. American Boy.
Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day.
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy
Let them know ……
Kanye West
Who killin em in the UK. Everybody gonna to say you K, reluctantly,
because most of this press don’t f@#k wit me.
Estelle once said to me, cool down down don’t act a fool now now.
I always act a fool ow ow.
Aint nothing new now now.
He crazy, I know what ya thinkin.
White Pino I know what you’re drinkin. Rap singer. Chain Blinger.
Holla at the next chick soon as you’re blinkin.
What’s you’re persona. About this American Brama. Am I shallow cuz all my clothes designer. Dressed smart like a London Bloke. Before he speak his suit bespoke.
And you thought he was cute before.
Look at this P Coat, Tell me he’s broke. And I know you’re not into all that.
I heard your lyrics I feel your spirit. But I still talk that cash. Coz a lot wags want to hear it. And I’m feelin like Mike at his Baddest. The Pips at they Gladys. And I know they love it. so to hell with all that rubbish
Would you be my love, my love.
could be mine would you be my love my love, could be mine
Could you be my love, my love.
Would you be my American Boy. American Boy
Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day
Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA.
I really want to come kick it with you.
You’ll be my American Boy |
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