Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home | *** Autor textu: Roger Hodgson *** Autor hudby: Roger Hodgson | So you think you're a Romeo
playing a part in a picture-show
Take the long way home
= Tak ty si myslíš, že si Rómeo
= Hrajúci rolu v predstavení
= Pober sa domov
Cos you're the joke of the neighborhood
Why should you care if you're feeling good
Take the long way home
= Lebo si zábavkou pre susedov
= Prečo by ti to malo vadiť, keď je ti dobre
= Pober sa domov
But there are times that you feel you're part of the scenery
all the greenery is comin' down, boy
And then your wife seems to think you're part of the furniture
Oh, it's peculiar, she used to be so nice
= Sú časy keď sa cítiš byť súčasťou prírody
= Zeleň ale opadá, chlapče
= A žena si zdá sa myslí, že si súčasť nábytku
= Je to zvláštne, bývala tak milá
When lonely days turn to lonely nights
you take a trip to the city lights
Take the long way home
Take the long way home
= Keď osamelé dni zosmutnia do osamelých nocí
= Ty sa vyberáš za žiarou mesta
= Pober sa domov
You never see what you want to see
Forever playing to the gallery
Take the long way home
= Nikdy nevidíš to, čo chceš
= Naveky vo výklade galérie
= Pober sa domov
When you're up on the stage, it's so unbelievable
unforgettable, how they adore you
But then your wife seems to think you're losing your sanity
oh, calamity, is there no way out?
= Keď stojíš na javisku, je to tak neuveriteľné
= nezabudnuteľné, ako ťa obdivujú
= No žena si zdá sa myslí, že prichádzaš o rozum
= Pohroma, to niet cesty von?
Does it feel that your life's become a catastrophe?
It has to be for you to grow, boy
When you look through the years and see what you could have been
What might have been if you'd had more time
= Zdá sa ti, že tvoj život pripomína katastrofu?
= To preto, aby si dospel, chlapče
= Keď prebehneš tie roky a vidíš čím si mohol byť
= Či by možno bol, keby si mal viac času
So, when the day comes to settle down
Who's to blame if you're not around?
You took the long way home
You took the long way home
= Takže, keď príde čas usadiť sa
= Kto bude na vine, že nie si po ruke?
= Pobral si sa domov |
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