Joe Cocker - Don't You Love Me Anymore Joe Cocker - Don't You Love Me Anymore | *** Autor textu: Diane Warren *** Autor hudby: Albert Hammond | I thought I'd see your smile
When I walked in the door
Thought those arms of yours would be open wide
The way they were before
= Myslel som, že uvidím tvoj úsmev
= Keď vojdem do dverí
= Myslel som, že náruč tvoja bude otvorená doširoka
= Tak ako predtým
Why do you look at me
Like I'm some stranger now?
Why do you pull away?
When you used to hold me so tight?
= Prečo pozeráš na mňa
= Ako na cudzinca zrazu?
= Prečo sa odťahuješ?
= Keď si ma zvykla vystískať?
Don't you love me anymore?
Have your learned to live your life without me?
Don't you love me anymore, anymore?
= Čo ma už neľúbiš?
= Naučila si sa žiť svoj život bezo mňa?
= Čo ma už neľúbiš, už nie?
When did the fire go out?
Where did the feeling go?
Did it slip away when I wasn't there?
Baby now I've come home!
= Kedy ten plameň vyhasol?
= Kam sa ten pocit podel?
= Uprchol kým som tu nebol?
= Drahá, už som doma!
I thought you'd want me, babe
I was so sure you'd ask me to stay
I thought you'd need me still
Guess it didn't work out that way
= Myslel som, že ma budeš chcieť, moja
= Bol som si tak istý, že požiadaš aby som ostal
= Myslel som, že ma ešte budeš potrebovať
= Asi to takto nefunguje
Don't you love me anymore?
Have your learned to live your life without me?
Don't you love me anymore, darling?
When did the fire go out?
Where did the feeling go?
Why do you pull away?
When you used to hold me so close, baby?
= Kedy ten plameň vyhasol?
= Kam sa ten pocit podel?
= Prečo sa odťahuješ?
= Keď si ma zvykla objať, drahá? |
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