Escape The Fate - The Webs We Weave Escape The Fate - The Webs We Weave | |
The Webs We Weave" Pavuciny (siete) ktore tkame
So grab this statement tak zober si tieto vety
And read between the lines a citaj medzi riadkami
I'm walking on an edge kracam na hrane,
That's how I stay alive to je sposob akym ostavam nazive
I need a fix now teraz potrebujem davku drogy
The pills I have to take tabletky ktore beriem
It helps me live a lie tie mi pomahaju zit klamstvo
and blinds all my mistakes a zaslepia vsetky moje omyly
before I die skor nez umriem
I will have seen it all uvidim to uplne vsetko
the mountains I have climbed tie hory na ktore som liezol
help me enjoy the fall pomoz mi uzit si ten pad
Oh the webs you weave V sietach ktore si tkas
We are caught in the fame sme uvazneni v slave
the passion's dead vasen je mrtva
the life you've lead zivot ktory si viedol
has drown in your shame sa utopil v hanbe
oh the webs I weave V sietach ktore si tkam
I am caught in this game som uvazneny v tejto hre
my passions dead moja vasen je mrtva
the life I've lead zivot ktory som viedol
has drowned me in vain si ma potopil v prazdnote
so paint my portrait tak nakresli moj portret
the colours of my life farby mojho zivota
and the untold stories are painted in black and white a nevypovedane pribehy namaluj na cierno bielo
i can hear the footsteps pocujem zvuk krokov
that follow to my pulse ktore zneju podla mojho pulzu
this paranoia has haunted me like a ghost tato paranoja ma prenasleduje ako duch
before I die skor nez umriem
I will have seen it all uvidim to uplne vsetko
the mountains I have climbed tie hory na ktore som liezol
help me enjoy the fall pomoz mi uzit si ten pad
Oh the webs you weave V sietach ktore si tkas
We are caught in the fame sme uvazneni v slave
the passion's dead vasen je mrtva
the life you've lead zivot ktory si viedol
has drown in your shame sa utopil v hanbe
oh the webs I weave V sietach ktore si tkam
I am caught in this game som uvazneny v tejto hre
my passions dead moja vasen je mrtva
the life I've lead zivot ktory som viedol
has drowned me in vain si ma potopil v prazdnote
I'm killing time Zabijam cas
Let me go nechja ma odist
(before I die) (predtym ako zomriem)
(I will have seen it all) (vsetko to uvidim)
it reads their minds cita to ich mysle
brings them close prinasa ich blizsie
(before I die) (skor ako zomriem)
(I will have seen it all) (uvidim to vsetko)
Oh the webs you weave V sietach ktore si tkas
We are caught in the fame sme uvazneni v slave
the passion's dead vasen je mrtva
the life you've lead zivot ktory si viedol
has drown in your shame sa utopil v hanbe
oh the webs I weave V sietach ktore si tkam
I am caught in this game som uvazneny v tejto hre
my passions dead moja vasen je mrtva
the life I've lead zivot ktory som viedol
has drowned me in vain si ma potopil v prazdnote
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