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Biohazard: Pojďte společně s BIOHAZARD lovit duchy - Legendy newyorského hardcoru si odskočili ulovit si pár duchů.
... - spark |
Biohazard: Hardcoroví veteráni BIOHAZARD vyráží do studia pracovat na nové desce - Ikony newyorského hardcoru znovu nastupují do studia a fanouškům slibují pořádný ... - spark |
Biohazard: Klasická sestava BIOHAZARD doveze do Brna snad už čerstvý materiál - Hardcoroví velikáni BIOHAZARD vyrážejí na společné evropské turné se „spolunew... - spark |
Biohazard: BIOHAZARD, DOWNSET, CRIPPLED FINGERS - 17. 6. 2024, Praha, Lucerna Music Bar - Technika málem nepřežila, ale jinak to prý byl famózní koncert. BIOHAZARD v Lucerna... - spark |
Biohazard: NAžIVO: Biohazard v Praze rozpoutali hardcore peklo - Pondělní koncert v malé Lucerně přinesl neskutečnou energii a intenzitu. Legendárn... - musicserver.cz |
Biohazard: Biohazard rozeskáčou pražský Lucerna Music Bar - Legendární newyorská čtveřice Biohazard, která navždy ovlivnila hardcore scénu, s... - musicserver.cz |
Biohazard: FOTOGALERIE: Druhý den na Brutalu v obrazech - Jestliže první den nasadil ve svém line-upu laťku pekelně vysoko, hned ten druhý ji... - musicserver.cz |
Biohazard: BIOHAZARD potvrzují reunion klasické sestavy, chystají se nahrávat, dokončit dokument a přijet na Brutal - Hardcoroví velikáni BIOHAZARD se probouzejí opět k životu. Ve jménu oslav 35. výro... - spark |
Annihilator: Víkendové festivaly 9.8. - sme.sk |
Biohazard: BIOHAZARD - Urban Discipline - metalopolis.net |
Biohazard - Wide Awake Biohazard - Wide Awake | | Pain inside me is taking over again
Wide awake I open my eyes into a nightmare of a life that I despise I gotta,
break it down to the bare essentials 'cause life's too short to be sentimental.
Twisting around inside my head so many crazy visions - am I better off dead?
Filled with dread - gun under the bed to clip all the motherfuc.ers trying
to keep me down, I ain't fuc.in' around.
Wide awake my eyes are open I can't breathe my heart is choking and I can't speak
the words unspoken and I can't believe my life is broken again... (my life is broken)
Keep trying to tell myself "everything will be OK, everything will go my way"
'till life steps in and slaps on the strangle, tears flow and fists start to mangle.
I wake up screaming everyday, nobody pays attention when I'm writhing in pain,
I got a glitch in my brain I gotta break free from anxiety, I gotta let go of life
'cause it's killing me
Wide awake my eyes are open I can't breathe my heart is choking and I can't speak
the words unspoken and I can't believe my life is broken again...
My eyes are open, my heart is choking, on words unspoken, my life is broken again
I can't believe my life is broken apart again, I can't conceive my time was never
well spent, sick of everybody talking about the things they never do, motherfuc.ers
talking shit about who?
Pain inside me is taking over again
How many times can you ask for a chance and expect everybody to keep giving it,
forgiving it?
Realize this is the last time to waste away, deteriorate, decompose, and decline |
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