Lil Wayne

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Lil Wayne

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Lil Wayne - Grown Man
Lil Wayne - Grown Man



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Dawg you gotta feel me on this one
What it be like dawg, I'm on some some adult grown up type shit
look who I be around nigga, look who I been around nigga
Geezy, Juve and turk, B and Slim dawg pay attention dawg

[Verse 1]
Age is nothin but some digits nigga trust me on this
Cas I think I speak for every one when I say life is a bitch
I ride D L into the C L Gun right in my grip
I slip a clip in every rip, cas hatas likely ta trip
Come home to my future wife and every nite she'll flip
She end up catchin rights to her lips behind diapers and shit
But I like when we split drink Henny without ice when I'm pissed
Go to the club and start a fight thinkin I'm Tyson and shit
But I'm a man so I'm here to handle my situtions correctly
And I know I might be dumb but niggas gone definantly respect me
But in the mean partner I'm fightin gun charges in court
And in a couple of weeks our next tour about to start
Its like I'm livin happy now
except for the fact my daughter sayin I love you daddy now
And that kinda juice me up
and I smoke about 3 blunts and puff a Kool ta bust me up
And say a prayer for everyday
jus so I get through the stuff but I be like

(Chorus: repeat 2X)
Ahhhh man, it's complicated doin everythang on your own man
being responsible for everybody and ya home man
and when u feel like everythang is goin wrong man
I'm gone stand cas I am a GROWN MAN

[Verse 2]
I try to keep my head up, but I die to keep my bread up
And usually I'm feed up thinkin everythangs a set up
But I get up this stick out my chest and clutch on my nuts
And I get hit up with all kinda stress and put up wit the stuff
Just trust me its tough but I mantain to climb through it all and I still manage to be
Lil wayne therefore I shine and I ball
And dawg I live for today and hope and pray that theres a tomorrow
and I borrow confidence from out my heart when thangs get awful
And I'm walkin on the edge stuck without a salute and someway
I still pick it out and shuffle out tha confusion
And I don't need nobody so keep yo advice and jus down it
Cas ya'll cats don't really no me ya'll jus no bout me
So if my dawgs be on my side they keep me combile with spirit
And plus I no my fathers watchin and my mothers the dearest
And I ain't neva said they don't appreciate wat we do
but jus no if I wasn't a man we wouldn't make it through


[Verse 3]
Who would have known that this wa some day that didn't turn out so happy
But I chose my own life so I gradually accept it
I'm influenced and effected by the way it became
And I don't play with it at all so I don't say its a game
And even though I grew apart and I have gracefully change
I'm always strict so I'll forever be facin a change
And I'll keep this thang brutained on the waist of my pants
And I demand respect from all if not then I'm waisten a man
And if I want it then I get and if I need it I have it
Take care of them family first plus tha licka an weed is a habit
And I'm so often I'm congratulated for the succeeded at last
But when they turn they back I just have Jesus leadin my path
And I didn't ask for you to like me I don't care if you hate me
But don't mistake me no otha man can neva make me or break me
Now you faithfully inspired by the hood tell I'm gone
And I dawg I do belive I'm grown so I'll be good on my own but I be like

(Chorus) fading.......Believe Dat

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