Edelweiss Piraten - Přidej se k AFA (Join the AFA) Edelweiss Piraten - Přidej se k AFA (Join the AFA) | | German richmen supported Hitler, they knew he'd do away with the left
soon. Business flourishes of course, if trade unionists rot in camps.
Worker, don't protest, take what is offered, or you could end up in a
camp, that happens. You'll be glad to work on us with no complains.
That to rebel doesn't pay the Gestapo will persuade you.
When they try to suppress us again we'll shout loud "no passaran". Barricades must grow in the streets again. Fight fascism, join us.
Richman don't like to change the well-tried formulars - fascism and war
is always a solution. Everywhere where investors aren't worshipped, they'll find some dictator in the reserves - Pahlavi in Iran and Pinochet in Chile, the USA will be ready to help them. Killing masses doesn't bother them as long as their investments are safe.
How much has changed our liberal who always started to shout when the state wanted to interfere in his business. When workers revolted, the strong state came in handy, he chose fascists to guard his privileges.
The mighty are not against fascism, they help it when the human sources start to rebel. The task is ours, we have chosen it - we'll kick to pieces fascists and those who gave them birth. |
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