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Kanye West: Kanye West plánuje spustiť vlastnú kryptomenu „Swasticoin“. Oznámil to na sieti X - Raper naznačuje vstup do kryptosveta.... - Refresher.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film o módě - Kanye West a Bianca Censori natáčí film. Zprávu přinesl New York Post, který zárov... - evropa2.cz | 

Bianca: TOPKY tohto týždÅa: Slávna kráska pohorÅ¡ila fanúšikov, rozvod Kanyeho Westa a zásnuby hviezdnej speváÄky! - LOS ANGELES â PoÄas tohto týždÅa sa opäť vo veľkom hovorilo o d... - bleskovky.sk | 

Bianca: Kanye a Bianca čelia špekuláciám o rozvode. Pár sa má pritom pripravovať na Valentína - Kanye West a Bianca Censori si v poslednom období získali veľkú pozornosť po ich vys... - Refresher.sk | 

Grammy: Po nahotě na Grammy přišla šokující zpráva: Kanye West a Bianca Censori se rozešli - Jen krátce poté, co jejich výstup na udílení cen Grammy řešil téměř celý svět... - super.cz | 

Kanye West: Kanye West utnul všechny spekulace: Pravda o nahé Biance! - Od popr... - blesk.cz | 

Kanye West: Šílenství Kanyeho Westa: Nejdřív vyznal obdiv Hitlerovi, pak se prohlásil za Boha - Kanye West opět šokuje svět svými bizarními výlevy. Po sérii antisemitských a ras... - extra.cz | 

Kanye West: Raper West zmizel ze sítě X. Sdílení pornografie byla poslední kapka - Účet rapera Kanye Westa (47) na síti X, původně známé jako Twitter, platforma deak... - idnes.cz | 

Kanye West: Kanye West znovu šokuje: Antisemitské výlevy, láska k Hitlerovi, podpora Diddyho a kontrola manželky - Fandit Kanyemu Westovi a stále ho hájit je čím dál těžší - a možná už zcela n... - musicserver.cz | 

Adele: Nepříjemnost Biancy po odhalení na Grammy: Chtěla se blýsknout zpěvem na Adele, Kanye ji ignoroval a sledoval mobil - O tom, co předvedli Kanye West a především jeho žena Bianca Censori na Grammy, bylo... - super.cz | 

Kanye West - Stronger Kanye West - Stronger | | n- n- now th- that don't kill me
can only make me stronger
i need you to hurry up now
cause i can't wait much longer
i know i got to be right now
cause i cant get much wronger
man i've been waitin' all night now
that's how long i've been on ya
i need u right now
i need u right now
lets get lost tonight
you could be my black kate moss tonight
play secretary i'm the boss tonight
and you don't give a f*** what they all say right?
awesome, the christian and and kristen dior
damn they don't make 'em like this anymore
I ask, cause i'm not sure
do anybody make real shit anymore?
bow in the presence of greatness
cause right now thou has forsaken us
you should be honored by my lateness
that i would even show up to this fake sh*t
so go ahead go nuts go ape sh*t
specially on my best stand on my bape sh*t
act like you can't tell who made this
new gospel homey take six, and take this, haters
n- n- now th- that don't kill me
can only make me stronger
i need you to hurry up now
cause i can't wait much longer
I know i got to be right now
cause i cant get much wronger
man i've been waitin' all night now
that's how long i've been on ya
i need u right now
i need u right now
me likey
I don't know if you got a man or not,
if you made plans or not
god put me in the plans or not
i'm trippin' this drink got me sayin' a lot (looooot)
but i know that god put you in front of me
so how the hell could you front on me
there's a thousand you's there's only one of me
i'm trippin' i'm caught up in the moment right?
this is louis vuitton dime night
so we gon' do everything that kan like
heard they'd do anything for a klondike
well i'd do anything for a blonde-dike
and she'll do anything for the limelight
and we'll do anything when the time's right
ugh, baby you're makin' it (harder, better, faster, stronger)
n- n- now th- that don't kill me
can only make me stronger
i need you to hurry up now
cause i can't wait much longer
i know i got to be right now
cause i cant get much wronger
man i've been waitin all night now
that's how long i've been on ya
i need u right now
i need u right now
you know how long i've been on ya?
since prince was on apollonia
since OJ had isotoners
don't act like i never told ya (6times)
baby you're making it (harder, better, faster, stronger)
n- n- now th- that don't kill me
can only make me stronger
i need you to hurry up now
cause i can't wait much longer
i know i got to be right now
cause i cant get much wronger
man i've been waitin all night now
that's how long i've been on ya
i need you right now (4times)
you know how long i've been on ya?
since prince was on apollonia
since OJ had isotoners
don't act like i never told ya(2times)
never told ya (4times)
never over (8times)
harder,better,faster,stronger |
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