Rick Wright - Breakthrough Rick Wright - Breakthrough | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Wright, Moore |
Emi7 A Emi7 A G Hmi G D
Emi Hmi Emi Hmi Emi D Emi Hmi H7
Emi7I can take or Aleave it, Emi7won't be the woebeAgone
GDon't need a model Hmiuniverse to Ghang your pictures Don.
You Emi7hide somewhere, you Adie somewhere
And Emi7then this senseless Athought,
By Ghating more you're Hmifeeling more
And Gthat's how you get Dcaught.
EmiThey're never going to Hmimake it easy
Of Emithis you can be Hmisure.
I Emigreet you from the Dwilderness,
I'll Emistay inside your Hmidoor. H7
Emi7There's no cage or Aprison, they Emi7have no fence too Atall,
You Gdie more times that Hmianyone, there's Gstill no place to Dfall.
EmiThey're never going to Hmikeep it simple
EmiThis comes down from Hmiabove.
I Emihave no helm, no Dsecret realm,
I Emidream to be at the Hmiheart of love, a H7part of love.
I Emi7bet you can Aconceal it, but Emi7that's just a dead-end Atrack,
I'll Gcover you like the Hmidriven snow and Gthen I'll bring you Dback.
You'll Emi7see ! you feel like, you Afeel like a banner,
Emi7Unfurled and gently Ablown,
And Gthere before your Hmiopening eyes
The Gself you've never Dknown.
EmiThey're never going to Hmimake it easy
Of Emithis you can be Hmisure.
You Emifeel untied, Dbeatified
And Emiloved for everHmimore H7, Hmi, H7
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