CGod bless the daffodils, F the Cgreen grass on the hills
Fand the Ctrees that Fgrow all aCround.
G, C, G, C
CGod bless all the sheep that Fgraze before they sleep
UCpon the Ghilly ground
FTry not Cto make Fa so-o-o-Co-o-Gound
FNot a Csound
FOn this Cland we deAmfended with our lives
You underEmstand
There could be much pleasure
So A7stand once again to Fkeep her diDvine F
FOn this Cland
Someday we'll lay Amdown to Gdie
You underEmstand
It would be a blessing
A7It would be a (blessing) to know that you've died
InFside your proud hoGme
CGod bless the daffodils,...
CGod bless all the sheep...