Strokes - Electricityscape - Mierne Pouprave A Zlepsene Strokes - Electricityscape - Mierne Pouprave A Zlepsene | tlač |
edituj | | oakorduj | Rok vzniku: 2006 Poznámka: som to mierne poupravil dal som tam apostrofy a opravil som preklepy
Pesničku videlo 2256 návštevníkov.
Kvalita textu : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | *** Autor textu: The Strokes | Oh it's strange to impress a mirror
Oh friends don't realize I'm here
I wish two drinks were always in me,
I pretend I had the perfect day
Take me to the water
make me understand that I was wrong
For me tomorrow is my first day
so please don't tempt at a wrong way
It's almost after midnight
I can see the city lights ahead
Change your mind, tonight
You belong to the city now
When you're closer now I know
You belong to the radio
I swear I'll give it back tomorrow
but for now I think that I'll just borrow
All the quotes from that song
And all the words from whatever song I heard
yes that day
Change your mind, tonight
You belong to the city now
When youre closer now i know
You belong on the radio
I will not disturb you
I was charged for telling you the complements
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