I saw him today, I saw his face
It was a face I loved and I knew
I had to run away and get down on my knees and pray
That they'd go away
But still they begin, needles and pins
Because of all my pride, the tears I gotta hide
= Dnes som ho stretla, videla som jeho tvár
= Tvár, ktorú ľúbim ale vedela som
= Že musím ujsť, kľaknúť na kolená a modliť sa
= Aby zmizli
= No ony aj tak prídu, žihadielka
= Z hrdosti a sĺz ktoré skrývam
I thought I was smart
I'd win his heart and I didn't think I'd lose
But now I see she's more to him than me
Let him go ahead, take her love instead and one day he will see
Just how to say please, oh and get down on his knees
Hey, that's how it begins, he'll feel those needles and pins
Hurting him, hurting him
= Myslela som, že mám moc
= Získať jeho srdce a nenapadlo ma, že ho stratím
= No vidím, že ona preňho znamená viac
= Tak nech si ide, nech si vezme jej lásku miesto mojej a jedného dňa pochopí
= Aké je to prosiť, ó a kľačať na kolenách
= Tak to začne, ucíti tie žihadielka
= Bodať, bodať
Why can't I stop and tell myself I'm wrong, I'm wrong, so wrong
Why can't I stand up and tell myself I'm strong
= Prečo nedokážem prestať a povedať si, že to nie je správne
= Prečo sa nedokážem postaviť a povedať si že som silná
Because I saw him today, I saw his face
It was a face I loved, I can't let go
Although I know, he'll make me cry
Oh 'til the day I die
= Pretože som ho dnes stretla, videla som jeho tvár
= Tvár, ktorú ľúbim a na ktorú nemôžem zabudnúť
= Aj keď viem, že kvôli nemu budem plakať
= Ó až do konca svojho života
But people, I got to live now and Lord knows, I should forgive now
Yeah, when it begins, he'll feel those needles and pins
Hurting him, oh, stop it now, stop those needles, stop those pins
Lord, when it begins
Oh, won't you hear what I say?
Somebody, take 'em away
Stop 'em now, stop 'em, stop those needles and pins
Oh, when it begins, I feel those needles and pins
Hurtin' me, hurtin' me, stop those needles and pins
= No ľudia, musím už žiť a Boh vie, že by som už mala odpustiť
= Keď to príde a ucíti tie žihadielka
= Bodať, ó, hneď ich zastav, zastav tie žihadielka
= Bože, keď prídu
= Ó, nepočuješ ma?
= Niekto ich odožeňte
= Zastav ich, zastav, zastav tie žihadielka
= Keď prídu, cítim tie žihadielka
= Bolia ma, bolia, zastav tie žihadielka |