Jack Johnson - Traffic In The Sky Jack Johnson - Traffic In The Sky | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
e ---5-----9-----3-----7-----5-----4-----3-----2---
B ---7-----10----5-----8-----5-----4-----3-----3---
G ---7-----11----5-----9-----6-----5-----4-----4---
D ---7-----11----5-----9-----7-----6-----5-----4---
A ---5-----9-----3-----7-----7-----6-----5-----2---
E ---x-----9-----x-----7-----5-----4-----3-----2---
D Theres traffic in the F#msky
And it doesn't Cseem to be getting much Embetter
Theres kids playing Dgames on the pavement
Drawing F#mwaves on the pavement mm-Chm
Shadows of the Emplanes on the pavement mm-Dhm
It's enough to make me F#mcry
But that don't Cseem like it would make it feel Embetter
Maybe it's a Ddream and if i scream
It will F#mburst at the seams
This Cwhole place will fall into Empieces
And then they'd Asay G#
G Well how could we have Aknown
I'll tell them it's notD so hard to Bmtell
Nah nah Gnah
You keep adding Astones
Soon the water Dwill
Be lost in the Bmwell
Mmmm mmmm
D F#m
Puzzle pieces in the ground
But Cno one ever seems to be Emdigging
Instead they're looking Dup towards the heavens with their F#meyes on the
C Shadows on the way to the heavens Em
D It's enough to make me F#mcry
But that don't Cseem like it would make it feel Embetter
The answers could be Dfound we could learn from digging F#mdown
But Cno one ever seems to be Emdigging
Instead theyll Asay G#
G Well how could we have Aknown
I'll tell them it's notD so hard to Bmtell
Nah nah Gnah
You keep adding Astones
Soon the water Dwill
Be lost in the Bmwell
Mmmm mmmm
D Words of wisdom all F#maround
But Cno one ever seems to Emlisten
Theyre talking about their Dplans on the paper
Building F#mup from the pavement
C Shadows from the scrapers on the Empavement
D Its enough to make me F#msigh
But that dont Cseem like it would make it feel Embetter
The words are all aDround but the words are only F#msounds
And Cno one ever seems to Emlisten
Instead theyll Asay G#
G Well how could we have Aknown
I'll tell them it's notD so hard to Bmtell
Nah nah Gnah
You keep adding Astones
Soon the water Dwill
Be lost in the Bmwell
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