I am Gleaving MissisCsippi in the Devening rain
These GDelta towns where Csatin gowns and the Dhigh-beam frame
LoreGtta Lynn guides my Chands through the Dradio
Where would I Gbe at times like Cthese without the Dsongs
Loretta wrote?
'Cause when you Ccan't find a Gfriend, you still got the Dradio
When you Ccan't find a Gfriend, you still got the Dradio
The radiGo Clisten to the Dradio
The radiGo Clisten to the Dradio
It's the radiGo C=listen to the Dradio
The radiGoCD
I left a handsome two-steppin' good ole' boy in Tennessee
Now he's sittin' on the sofa he's lookin' for his supper
wond'rin' what's become of me
I got a 00-18 Martin guitar in the back seat of the car
Hey I am leaving Mississippi with the radio on
There's a moon across the border in the Louisiana sky
I smell the Ponchatrain I hear "Silver Wings" and then
away Merle Haggard flies
That good old boy will find a band of gold on the stereo
Hey then my Mamma's gonna call say "where's she gone?" he'll say
"down the road with the radio on"
And when you can't find a friend, you still got the radio
And when you can't find a friend, you still got the radio
The radio listen to the radio
The radio listen to the radio
The radio listen to the radio
The radio now listen to the radio
The radio and its down the road you go
The radio listen to the radio (repeat and fade)