Nirvana - Plateau Nirvana - Plateau | | Plateau = Planina
many a hand has scaled the grand = Veľa rúk olupovalo veľkú
old face of the plateau = starú tvár planiny
some belong to strangers = Niektoré patrili cudzincom,
and some to folks you know = a niektoré známym ktorých poznáš
holy ghosts and talk show hosts = Svätý duchovia a hostia talkšov
are planted in the sand = sú zasadený v piesku
to beautify the foothills = na skrášlenie úpätí
and shake the many hands = a podávajú si veľa rúk
there's nothing on the top = Tu na vrchu nie je nič
but a bucket and a mop = až na vedro a mop
and an illustrated book about birds = a ilustrovanú knihu o vtákoch
you see a lot up there = vidíš toho toľko veľa,
but don't be scared = ale nebuď vystrašený
who needs action when you got words = kto potrebuje akciu, keď ty máš slová
when you're finished with the mop = Keď skončíš s mopom
then you can stop = potom môžeš zastať
and look at what you've done = a pozrieť čo si urobil
the plateau's clean, = planina je čistá,
no dirt to be seen = nevidno žiadnu špinu
and the work it was fun = a práca bola zábavná
well the many hands began to scan = Takže, veľa rúk sa začína pozerať
around for the next plateau = po ďaľšej planine
some said it was in greenland = niektorí vraveli, že to bolo
and some say mexico = v Grónsku a iné v Mexiku
i decided it was nowhere = rozhodol som, že nie sú nikde
except for where they stood = okrem toho kde stoja
but they were all just guesses, = ale to boli všetko len dohady,
wouldn't help you if they could = nepomohli by ti ak by mohli |
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