Barclay James Harvest - Turning In Circles Barclay James Harvest - Turning In Circles | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
E How come you Ehappened to be Ehanging around D
E When I was Elooking for a Egood time? D
E I thought I Ealways had my Efeet on the ground D
E I've got the Efeeling that it Ewon't be for Elong
E Take it Aeasy, you're Dmoving too Efast
E You're gonna Amake it, but Dlet's make it Elast
E The way you're Adancing ain't Dgood for my Esoul
E The situAation's getting Dout of conEtrol
(You've got me)
BTurning in F#circles C#, F#
BWhere do I F#go? C#, F#
BTurning in F#circles C#, F#
BCrazy I F#know C#, F#
E How come you Ehappened to be Ehanging around D
E When I was Elooking for a Egood time? D
E I thought I Ealways had my Efeet on the ground D
E I've got the Efeeling that I'm Espinning and spinEning
(You've got me)
BTurning in F#circles C#, F#
BWhere do I F#go? C#, F#
BTurning in F#circles C#, F#
BCrazy I F#know C#, F#
(You've got me)
BTurning in F#circles C#, F#
BWhere do I F#go? C#, F#
BTurning in F#circles C#, F#
BCrazy I F#know C#, F#
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