The name she Cgave was CarolineFC Daughter of a miFnerC And her ways were free aFnd it seemed to meEmAm The sunshine waGlked beside herFC She came from CSpencer across the FhillC She said her Pa Fhad sent herC 'Cause the coal was low Fand soon the snowEmAm Would turn the sGkies to winterFC She said she'd Ccome to look for FworkC She was not seekFing favorC For a dime a day and a pFlace to stayEmAm She turned those Ghands to laborFC But the times Cwere hard, Lord, and the Fjobs were Cfew
All through TecumFseh ValleyC She'd ask around, and a Fjob she foundEmAm Tendin' bar at GGypsy Sally'sFC She saved Cenough to get back FhomeC And spring replaced Fthe winterC But her dreams were deniFed, her Pa had diedEmAm The word come doGwn from SpencerFC So she turned to Cwhorin' out on the FstreetsC With all the lust iFnside herC And it was many a man reFturned againEmAm To lay himself bGeside herFC They found her Cdown beneath the FstairsC That led to GypFsy Sally'sC And in her hand when shFe died was a note that EmcriedAm "Fare thee well, GTecumseh Valley".FC