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Lily Allen: Zpěvačka Lily Allen na prahu zhroucení: Rozpad manželství s hvězdou Stranger things! Přistihla ho na seznamce - Zpěvačka Lily Allen... - blesk.cz |
Lily Allen: Lily Allen přiznala rozpad manželství a záchvaty paniky: Svého muže přistihla na seznamce pro celebrity - Zpěvačce Lily Allen se rozpadá i druhé manželství s hercem Davidem Harbourem. Pot... - super.cz |
Lily Allen: Lily Allen plánuje novou desku - Britská zpěvačka Lily Allen doufá, že koncem letošního roku vydá nové album. Bě... - rockandpop.cz |
Lily Allen: Moje tajná neřest je nechávat děti doma, přiznala zpěvačka Lily Allen - Lily Allen (39) prozradila, co je její tajnou neřestí. Ráda nechává doma dvě dcery... - idnes.cz |
Lily Allen: Smutné slová známej speváÄky: Prehovorila o nároÄnom boji so závislosÅ¥ou! - LONDÃN - Britská hudobnÃÄka Lily Allen (39) veľmi otvorene hovorà o svo... - bleskovky.sk |
Lily Allen: Mullet snad nikdy nikomu neslušel tak jako Lily Allen! Zpěvačka s vysmívaným účesem ve stylu Davida Bowieho zabodovala - Kontroverzní účes známý jako mullet sluší opravdu málokomu, občas se ale najdou ... - super.cz |
Lily Allen: Děti by se měly už na základní škole učit o porodu i rozvodu, míní Lily Allen - Lily Allen (39) tvrdí, že by se děti měly už na základní škole učit o porodu, ro... - idnes.cz |
Lily Allen: Lily Allen si založila OnlyFans, predáva fotky svojich nôh. Vysvetlila, čo ju k tomu doviedlo - Niektorí fanúšikovia si myslia, že speváčka Lily Allen má najkrajšie nohy na svet... - Refresher.sk |
Lily Allen: Zpěvačka Lily Allen veřejně prohlásila, že jí děti zničily kariéru. Lidé její slova hromadně odsoudili - Projev české filmařky, která hovořila o tom, že si musí vybrat mezi kariérou a ... - super.cz |
Lily Allen: Děti mi zničily kariéru. Nemůžete mít obojí, míní zpěvačka Lily Allen - Britská zpěvačka Lily Allen (38) je matkou dvou dcer. Rozhodnutí mít děti podle ní... - idnes.cz |
Lily Allen - Knock 'em Out (aj S Pokecmi) Lily Allen - Knock 'em Out (aj S Pokecmi) | | Alright so this is a song about.... anyone, it could be anyone.
You're just doing your own thing and some one comes out the blue,
They're like,
He's saying,
"Yeah can I take your digits?"
And you're like, "No not in a million years, you're nasty,
please leave me alone."
Cut to the pub on a lads night out,
Man at the bar cos it was his shout,
Clocks this bird and she looks OK,
She caught him looking and she walks his way,
"Alright darlin, you gonna buy us a drink then?"
"Err no, but I was thinking of buying one for your friend..."
She's got no taste hand on his waste, tries to pull away but her lips on his face,
"If you insist I'll have a white wine spritzer."
"Sorry love, but you ain't a pretty picture."
Can't knock em out, can't walk away,
Try desperately to think of the politest way to say, (Oh, sorry, but no)
Just get out my face, just leave me alone,
And no you cant have me number,
'cause I've lost my phone.
Oh yeah, actually yeah I'm pregnant, having a baby in like 6 months so no, and yeah, yeah...
"I recognise this guy..."
That's what she's thinking,
As he comes over her heart starts sinking,
She's like,
"oh here we go.."
It's a routine check that she already knows, she's thinking they're all the same.
"yeah you alright baby? You look alright still, yeah what's your name?"
She looks in her bag, takes out a fag, tries to get away from the guy on a blag, can't find a light,
"use mine"
"you see the thing is I really don't have the time."
Can't knock em out, can't walk away,
Try desperately to think of the politest way to say, (I'm really sorry, but no this time)
Just get out my face, just leave me alone, (no)
And no you cant have me number,
'cause I've lost my phone.
Go away now, let me go,
Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?
Go away now I've made myself clear
Nah it's not gonna happen,
Not in a a milliiiion years
Can't knock em out, can't walk away,
Try desperately to think of the politest way to say,
Just get out my face, just leave me alone,
And no you cant have me number,
'cause I've lost my phone.
Can't knock em out, can't walk away,
Try desperately to think of the politest way to say, (I'll be maried next week)
Just get out my face, just leave me alone, (no, seriously)
And no you cant have me number,
'cause I've lost my phone.
nah I've gotta go cos my house is on fire,
I've got herpes, err no I've got syphilis... |
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