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Snoop Dogg: Po tom, čo Snoop Dogg vystupoval na inaugurácii Trumpa, prišiel o vyše pol milióna sledovateľov - Okrem neho ubúdajú sledovatelia aj ďalším osobnostiam, ktoré podporili novozvolené... - Refresher.sk | 

Marie Puttnerová: Nová alba: Snoop Dogg, Marie Puttnerová a Tom Sean - Událostí v hiphopovém světě je nové album plné hvězdných hostů od amerického ... - novinky.cz | 

DR DRE: Snoop Dogg vydal nový album plný nadupaných spoluprác. Nájdeš na ňom feat s Eminemom a 50 Centom - Album vydal spolu s raperom Dr. Dre.... - Refresher.sk | 

DR DRE: Snoop Dogg ohlásil vydání alba - Snoop Dogg oznámil datum vydání svého nového alba, které produkoval Dr. Dre. V hip... - rockandpop.cz | 

Celine Dion: Záverečný ceremoniál olympijských hier bude plný hudobných hviezd. Vystúpi Billie Eilish, Red Hot Chili Peppers či Snoop Dogg - Podobne ako pri otvorení olympijských hier, kde vystúpila Lady Gaga alebo Celine Dion,... - Refresher.sk | 

Snoop Dogg: Snoop Dogg se stal hvězdou olympijských her. Jeho reakcemi se baví celý svět - Snoop Dogg (52), ikonický americký rapper a podnikatel, se nečekaně stal jednou z n... - super.cz | 

Snoop Dogg: Rapper Snoop Dogg obráží olympijská sportoviště, za půl milionu dolarů denně - Nepřehlédnutelným a neúnavným fanouškem na olympijských hrách v Paříži je amer... - evropa2.cz | 

Snoop Dogg: THROWBACK Toto bol album Tha Doggfather: Druhé štúdiové dieťa samotného Snoop Dogga - Snoop Dogg... - Hashtag.sk | 

Billie Eilish: Billie Eilish bude mať virtuálny koncert vo Fortnite. Špekuluje sa, že po nej budú nasledovať aj Snoop Dogg a Metallica - Fanúšikovia sa môžu tešiť na poriadny audiovizuálny zážitok.... - Refresher.sk | 

Snoop Dogg: Snoop Dogg začal robiť country muziku, tento track nás absolútne odpálil! - ... - Hashtag.sk | 

Snoop Dogg - Riders On The Storm (fredwreck Remix) - Oprava Snoop Dogg - Riders On The Storm (fredwreck Remix) - Oprava | *** Autor textu: The Andy | Hey yo Jim man why don't ya, you don't you kick some of that
You know, you know how you do it man
It's a trip people don't even believe were together right now (wow) but tell
your story you know the one I like say it for me (Ride, ride, ride)
Riders on the storm (Ride, ride, ride)
Riders on the storm (Ride, ride, ride)
Into this house we're born (Into this house we're born)
Into this world we're thrown (Into this world we're thrown)
Like a dog without a bone (Like a dog without a bone)
An actor out on loan (An actor out on loan)
Riders on the storm (Ride, ride, ride)
There's a killer on the road (Killer, Murder)
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday (holidays, holidays)
Let your children play (play)
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet family will die (Die)
Killer on the road, yeah (Killer, Murder)
Goin' off of this off of that with the Lizard king
Bumpin' in the back; (wow) how bout that (yeah)
Driftin', Liftin', Swiftin', coastin', testaroastin'
But the wheels won't stop 200 (errrr) on the highway fresh
Up off the block he's a rider, na he's a killer dressed in no black
But his hat says stealla (stealla)
Pedal to the metal I gotta go hard
Drive by and say hello hey Fredwreck you my mello now let me
here what I sound like acapella (shhh) wow ride dip swish now
bring it back just like this like a dog with out his bone unlike
a G with out his chrome it's hard to imagine the homey dog in a
jag and he's checkin' for the checkered flag comin' in first never
In last cause my car to fast (zoom, zoom) I never ever run out of
gas cause I just to clean I do it upper class so fasten your seat
belts its so hot it will even make heat melt (woo, woo) so get a bowl
and roll and ride slip through the slip and slide
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm
There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet family will die
Killer on the road, yeah
Need for speed I'm trying to take the lead hold on little homey
Before you run into the trees (watch out, watch out) I've seen thinks that
I would have never saw before hey yo Jim let'em in, let'em in open up
My back tire smokin' (errrr) for whole street and now the police wanna
Flash there lights and chase the dogg all night (woof) but I won't pull over
Nor give up cause I just don't give up (What, What, What)
yeah from the side boy where we was born and raised straight up to ride
boy (west side) continuously, (continuously) we get to an expeditiously
keep the light on east side on snoop dogg and the doors
And yeah we bout to ride on
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown (were thrown)
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm 4x
let's ride |
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