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Black Sabbath: Nový Papa, nový singel a nový album. Ghost je späť! - Prvá zmienka o tom, že v tábore švédskych shock rockerov Ghost sa chystajú veľké ... - zoznam.sk | 

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Black Sabbath: Ozzy Osbourne: „Celý koncert BLACK SABBATH odehrát nezvládnu.“ - Ozzy Osbourne se vyjádřil k tomu, jak moc se bude účastnit posledního vystoupení BL... - spark | 

Black Sabbath: Ozzy Osbourne slibuje kusy i kousky - Britský zpěvák Ozzy Osbourne má před sebou svůj poslední koncert. Vystoupí na ně... - rockandpop.cz | 

Black Sabbath: Koupit vstupenku na poslední show BLACK SABBATH bylo … „překvapivě“ téměř nemožné - Nikoho nepřekvapí, že zájem o lístky na BLACK SABBATH byl opravdu enormní...
... - spark | 

Black Sabbath: Nemůžu chodit, přiznal Ozzy Osbourne před svým posledním koncertem - Jako poslední koncert Ozzyho Osbourna označila jeho žena Sharon vystoupení skupiny Bl... - rockandpop.cz | 

Black Sabbath: Sharon Osbourne se vyjádřila k poslednímu koncertu BLACK SABBATH: „Ozzy bude potřebovat hodně energie.“ - Ozzyho manželka a manažerka Sharon se vyjádřila k reunionovému koncertu BLACK SABBAT... - spark | 

Black Sabbath: ROZHOVOR | Mick Box: Považuju za ohromné štěstí, že písně Uriah Heep lidé chtějí slyšet i po mnoha letech - Pro mladé rockové příznivce asi zní jméno Uriah Heep asi jako něco hodně vzdálen... - IREPORT | 

Black Sabbath - I Black Sabbath - I |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1992 Pesničku videlo 3004 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | *** Autor textu: Dio *** Autor hudby: Black Sabbath | E5
{vp in} {.......................wah peddal.......................}
{.......................wah peddal.......................}
Oo o o o Oo o o o Hm m m
E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{flang} {.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
I am
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
anger under pressure Left in
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
cages a prisoner, the first to escape. I am
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
wicked. I am legion. Strength in
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
numbers, a lie. The number is one.
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I Everything I see is for me
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
Yes, I am giant. I'm a monster. Breaking
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
windows in houses, buildings of glass. Rebel, rebel
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
Holy outlaw. Ride together, don't try it. The power's in one.
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I I am standing alone but I can rock you
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I On the edge of the blade, but the knife
can't cut the hero down
E5 D#5 F5 E5 E5 D#5 E5 D#5 F5 E5 E5
{Wah & flange}
{pan bass}
{.......................wah peddal.......................}
{Guitar 1}
{Guitar 2}
{.......................wah peddal.......................}
{Guitar 1}
(Guitar 1)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
(Guitar 2)
(Guitar 1)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
(Guitar 2)
------------------------------------------------(12H14 tr~~)-12~---12---------|
(Guitar 1)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
(Guitar 2)
(Guitar 1)
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
{................double pick fast!....................}
(Guitar 1)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
I am virgin. I'm a whore. Giving
(Background Guitar Lead)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
nothing, the taker, the maker of war. I'll smash
(Background Guitar Lead)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
your face in, but with a smile. All together
(Background Guitar Lead)
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
you'll never be stronger than me.
(Background Guitar Lead)
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I Right here on my own, but I still rock you
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I Don't follow behind, just leave me on the other
(Background Guitar Lead)
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I I am standing alone, but I can shock you.
E5 D5/E5 C DsushEsus D5/G5 D5/E5 C
I I I On the edge of the blade, but no one makes the hero
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
No No No
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
No No No
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
I am hunger No No No
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
Feed my head No No No
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
All together, you'll never, never make the hero bleed
D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 D5/E5 E5 D5/E5 Dsus Esus
{.pm.} {pm} {pm} {.pm.} {pm}
No No No
(Background Guitar Lead) |
| |